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|Matthew's POV|

I kept on thinking of Melody and the riddle. What could be the answer? She said all the iced tea was poison and that the girl who drank 1 died. But how is that possible.

"Dude are you okay? You've been out of it this whole day." My best friend Johnny said.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about a riddle." I replied still thinking.

"What kind of riddle?" He asked.

Johnny was a good friend and very daring. He had brown hair and blue eyes and he was taller than me by 1 inch. He was 6'1.

"One about iced tea. But you can't help me whatsoever!" I said very clearly.

"And why not?" He asked, looking at me.

"Because it would be considered cheating." I said, looking at his confused expression.

"Why are you trying to find the answer anyways?" He asked walking over to my bed and belly flopping on it.

"Trying to earn the trust of a girl." I said joining him on the bed. OK, that sounded so wrong!

"Should've known. But couldn't you just look at her and then she'll fall to your feet?" He asked looking at me.

Clearly he hasn't met her yet. "Have you met. She does not seem like a normal girl, in a good way. Plus her hair covers her eyes and if I earn her trust, then she'll maybe show me her eyes and tell me why she hides them."

He nodded in understanding. "Well do you want to go get iced tea? It will maybe help."

I looked at him like he was crazy. Yes. He was crazy, but nonetheless, I followed him out and into the kitchen. We walked down the stairs and into the dining hall. We walked through the empty halls except for a few girls here and there. Of course when they saw us, they giggled flirtatiously and twirled there hair. That reminded me when we were in the library and Melody's impersonation of Madison. I chuckled to myself and kept walking. There were voices coming from a room with an open door and we decide to duck our heads in. I saw Melody and I think her name was Elaine. They were talking and laughing and playing a game of chess. When Melody hit checkmate, she threw her hands in the air and shouted 'yes' which caused all eyes on her. I chuckled to myself.

"So that's the girl?" Johnny said as he stared at her. "Don't scare her off with your creepy stalker-ish ways."

I snakes him playfully in the arm and we began walking again in the kitchen. We made it and peeked in. The servants noticed us and bowed there heads.

"What would you like your majesties?" A female servant asked.

"2 iced tea please." Johnny asked princely.

She nodded and went to make it. After a few minutes, she came back with a tray of 2 iced tea. She led us to the dinner table and sat them down. Me and Johnny sat down at the table and stared at the iced tea. Johnny started drinking his while I just stared at it hoping to find the answer.

"Dude you better drink it before the ice melts and then it would just look like brown water." Johnny said, noticing my stare down.

A lightbulb went in my head. "What did you say?"

"I said it will just look b-"

"No before that!" I said.

"The ice will melt?" He said sounding more like a question than an answer.

"That's it! I know the answer! You're t best!" I said jumping in my seat.

"The answer to what? The riddle?" He asked.

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