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|Melody's POV|

2 days before dance...

"Revenge..." I constantly repeated as I saw Matt pass by.

"Hey, Mel, why do you keep mumbling 'revenge' every time you spot Matt?" Elaine questioned.

"I kissed him." I said casually, my eyes still locked on him.

Elaine choked on air. Huh. That's probably what I looked like when Matt asked me if I liked him.

"How come I've never heard of this?" She asked, eyeing me.

"Because it's embarrassing." I mumbled with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Wait?- if you kissed him, then why do you want revenge?" She asked with great confusion.

I sighed. "Blackmail. That is why I want revenge."

She nodded in understanding. "Y'know that explains your little chat with him last week. Y'know, ear to ear." She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I blushed and looked the opposite direction. "Wrong..."

"I bet you liked that kiss didn't you?" She smirked.

"N-n-not a-at a-a-all..." I stuttered which didn't help the situation.

"Uh huh," she said disbelievingly. "Well don't look now, but your bad boy is staring you down."

"What?" I asked and whipped my head around to find Matt staring right at me.

"Why is it that when people say don't look, they do the opposite?" Elaine mumbled.

I shot him a smile and looked back at my red head best friend. "Revenge."


Right now we were in cheer leading practice. We were doing a choreography for the Valentine's dance. Apparently it's a big deal to everyone that love is in the air. Personally Valentine's day was the day I was dumped by my ex josh. But I'm past that and still like seeing people happy and in love, plus, I LOVE playing cupid! LOVE. Just making sure you know. Anyways, back to choreography, we're doing it to one dance by Drake and let me tell you, it is way to sexual. Bending, showing booty, touching and I'm sure our outfits will relate. We took a break after we learned all of it. Me and Elaine sat on the bench while she used her water magic and soothed it on her back and mine. It was relaxing. Perks to being not normal. We watched the game and it was quite entertaining. The cheerleaders watched too, but it was clear for different reasons. It was shirts vs. shirtless. Cheerleaders were wooing the shirtless of course while me and Elaine watched the actual game. They were so sweaty when they came back. We clapped at the game. Shirts won 15-13. Matt and Johnny were shirts, of course. But if the defence wasn't so distracted and in the position, the win wouldn't be so close. We went and congratulated the guys. After that they went off and flirted with 2 cheerleaders. I think they were Amanda and Alexandra.

"Now that I think about it, their flirting techniques suck." I replied unconsciously.

Elaine gave me a look saying 'and how would you know?'

"I've had my share of flirting, trust me. I may not look the type but looks can be deceiving." I replied without looking at her.

"Okay. So what flirting techniques are there?" She asked, her arms crossed.

"Okay. I can name 5." I started and began saying and remembered a time that I used it.

No. 1: the trip and fall

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