Ch. 7 A Drunken Night

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A/N: I'm sorry that I haven't updated my stories, I've been lacking in inspiration and motivation lately. Also there have been a lot of changes on YouTube involving the Creature Hub and AtlanticCraft, which is one of the main reasons why there have been no updates recently. But, I refuse to leave this and the Literal Creature Hub unfinished. This story will probably have only a few more chapters though. Anyways this is going to be the chapter that I'm sure a lot of you guys have been waiting for: the SMUT scene! I hope you all like it since this only my second time writing smut.


Joe's POV:

After getting ready, Cody and I drove to a small building with an illuminated sign that said East End Bar(A/N: I had to spend so much time thinking of that name!) There were only a few people drinking at the bar since it was a Thursday night. That's the benefit of being a successful youtuber, you get to pick your work hours. The place was kind pf worn down but it still had a nice atmosphere. Cody led me to a couple of bar stools where we decided to sit.

"What can I get for you two boys tonight?" a woman probably in her early 40's asked us from behind the bar.

"A beer please. Whatever you got on tap is fine." Cody quickly replied.

I was still deciding if I really wanted to get drunk or not. "I think I'll have a wat-" Cody interrupted me before I could finish, "He'll have the same as me!" The woman gave us a questioning look before shrugging and turning around to get our orders.

I looked over at Cody, "Dude, what the bloody hell was that?"

"Tonight we're gonna go wild! Come on man, let loose! Some alcohol can do you good once in a while!" he explained excitedly. I couldn't help but chuckle at his childish attitude. "Alright, why not? What could possibly go wrong?" Cody smiled at my acceptance, "There you go buddy! That's the Joebuz I know!"

The woman came back with our drinks not long after that. "Cheers to our friendship!" I said as Cody and I clanked our glasses together then proceeded to chug. *This is going to be a great night!* I thought to myself as Cody began to tell jokes while drinking his beer.

Timeskip to an hour later-

Cody's POV:

This night is awe-some! Just sitting, drinking with my best buddy in the whole WORLD, Joe, at... Uh? What was the name of this place again? Oh well, you know what? It don't matter as long as Joey is here I'm cool! I took another sip of beer. How many bottles have there been so far? I can't exactly remember, but I'm pretty sure this is number 6 or 7. Joe is on his 4th. When I look at him, his face gets a little blurry which is a real shame because I would like to be able to stare at and marvel in his hotness.

*I think I'm drunk...*

Joe says something about the bathroom... I don't know I'm to busy staring to pay attention. As he walks away my eyes lock onto his ass. *DAMN* I thought to myself as I giggled and swayed on my barstool. He disappears behind a door and I instantly feel saddened by his absence. "He'll be ba-back." I slur to myself as I turn to get take another drink.

Suddenly I feel a presence next to me, sitting in Joe's seat. "WOOOOW Joe, that was a really fast piss!" I giggled and turned to face him. I'm surprised by what I see. My vision might be a little fuzzy from the alcohol but I can tell that man next to me is not Joe.

"Oh hi! Who... Who are... Who are you?" I ask while in a slight daze.

"I'm Pete(A/N: idk random name), what's your name cutie?" he replies smoothly.

"Co- Cody" I answered back, my face feeling hot from the nickname.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet ya Cody, I thought you would like to have some company on this fine night. So tell me, what's a nice boy like you hanging here all by yourself, completely drunk?"

I was about to tell him that Joe would be back any minute now when Pat *or was it Pete, I'm so out of it I can't even remember* began to lean closer to me. "What're you... what're you doing?" I asked confused.

"I'm keeping you company, just like I said." he told me while trying to wrap an arm around my shoulders and pull me closer.

I just whined. I'm sure this guy is cool but I want Joe back. "Hey! What do you think you are bloody doing!?" an all to familiar voice growled out. *YAY! Joey is back!* His eyes were blazing as he grabbed me and pulled me away from Mister name I cannot remember. I turned towards Joe and buried my face into his shoulder, trying to cuddle up to him as close as possible. Joe wrapped both his arms around me in a possessive hug.

*This has got to be one of the hottest things I have every experienced in like... ever!* I inhaled Joe's scent and sighed blissfully. "He's fucking drunk and not interested!" Joe snarled. *Everything just got 10x hotter* Joe hardly every swears and I've never seen him be this aggressive before.

"Woah man! Sorry! I didn't know he was taken!" the guy said nervously, holding his hands up in surrender. He then quickly backed away and let us be. "WOW JOE!" I giggled, "I never knew you could be so prote-protective! Also, you smell amazing!" Joe looked at me, the anger on his face completely gone and replaced with concern? I think...

"I think it's time we call it a night." he mumbled before he paid the tab and started dragging me towards the exit.

Joe's POV:

Unbelievable! I go to the toilet for like 10 seconds only to come back to some random dude hitting on a clearly drunk out of his mind Cody! What the bloody hell?! Cody has had way to much too much to drink. Even though I don't think I count as sober, at least I still have some common sense!

"NOOOO! *Hic* I don't wanna leave yet!" Cody whined as I pulled him towards the door, "The fun was just starting!"

"Dude, you're crazy drunk and I'm tired. It's time to go home now." I didn't trust myself to drive so I quickly called up an uber. As we waited Cody kept mumbling about how the night was still young and he wanted to party more, although it was hard to tell since he slurred most of his words and was constantly hiccupping.

When the uber came and I wrestled Cody into the back seat, they drove us to Cody's house. Cody seemed to start falling asleep halfway through the trip. When we reached our destination, I paid the uber and shook Cody awake. I had to him out of the car while he complained about be moved. Then (since he could barely stand upright by himself, let alone walk) I had to drag him to the front door. It was a hassle trying to get Cody's keys out of his pocket and unlock the door while having him cling tightly to me.

I began to carry him up to his room bridal style like last time. Why? I have no idea... He buried his face into my neck, his warm breath causing a shiver to go my spine. I tried to place him down on his bed when we reached his room but he wouldn't let go. "I don't want you to go. Sleep with me." he whispered.

It was almost like deja vu. Except this felt more sensual than last night. Cody stared up at me with glassy eyes, his cheeks stained pink and he was panting harshly. I gulped, unsure of what to do. Part of me knows this wrong and that I should just force him to let me go and go to sleep but my mind is fuzzy with alcohol and it's clouding my judgement. "Joe please..." Cody whined thrusting his hips into the air.

*Oh my God, he's hard!* I stared wide eyed at the obvious bulge in Cody's pants then turned back to his face. Cody stared right, his pupils blown wide with lust, licking his lips. *You know what, FUCK it!*

A/N: So, I'll try to be more constant with my updates but I can't promise anything. This story is almost over! Next chapter will be complete smut. I would have included it in this one but it turned out longer than I expected, so I've decided to make it its own chapter! So look forward to that! Thanks to everyone for waiting so patiently and sticking by me for these past months. I'm glad so many of like my writing!

I hope you all ENJOYED this!

Talk to you all soon!


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