4. The Quiet Village

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Hershel and Dimitri strolled the quiet streets of Dropstone, searching for someone, anyone. There were still people there, but they were so few, and those they did talk to were most unhelpful. It was almost time to return to the Molentary Express when one curious individual offered their assistance.

The Professor, Luke and Flora had met him before. His name was Wurtzer and he wore a blue sweater and sported red trousers and green shoes. He was not a very tall man and both Hershel and Dimitri towered over him. Flora giggled, keeping to herself that the man looked very much like an egg.

When the Professor had last met him, he had hinted at the place they could be heading for. Unaware at the time, Wurtzer had been alluding that the Molentary Express' final destination was indeed the mysterious town of Folsense.

They found Wurtzer cutting some wooden cubes in half along a tree-lined path. He had set up a small crafting table next to the trees and looking up, he saw Hershel and grinned heartily.

"Well if it isn't the great Professor Layton. You really did put this town on the map."

"It doesn't seem to have gotten many visitors," Dimitri remarked jokingly.

"Folsense was also put on the map, naturally. When you put the two besides each other, many prefer to go to Folsense. I don't blame them. After all, who would want to live in a small, boring, countryside village when compared with the town of mysteries and wonder?"

Hershel frowned slightly. "You do not seem at all pleased, Mr...?"

"Just call me Wurtzer. And yes, I am not too chirpy.  You see... No, I shouldn't be bothering you with my troubles."

"We wouldn't wish to impose in your private affairs."

"Well, I don't see the harm... Oh fine, I am a bit choffed. Not because half the town is gone, but because one person in particular, Madeline... She left me just as I was about to ask her on a date..."

"That is most unfortunate. Well we should leave you to your... cube cutting."

Dimitri raised his eyebrow as Hershel tipped his hat and turned to leave. Something was not right. Although Hershel was keeping the gentleman shield on, he was slipping. Perhaps I should have given him a few more days... he thought miserably. No! That would only have made him worse!

The pair stopped as Wurtzer continued.

"Oh this... This is just a hobby of mine. Making puzzle cubes. I would sell them at the market when it used to be..."

"It is not well that these events have happened," Dimitri muttered grimly. "One rarely sees the negatives when faced with all the positives in front of them. Folsense is prospering, but Dropstone is struggling to thrive..."

"It has not been easy."

"Why do you not just simply move to Folsense?"

"I've thought of that many times... but sadly I just can't find the strength to leave. I grew up here. Now Mr. Anderson is gone and I have lost my best friend... I still can't leave though... So why are you two here anyway? Surely you did not visit just for a friendly chat!"

Dimitri's eyes widened as he remembered the real reason they were on this little search.

"Well actually, we were wondering whether you have any news of strange activities in the town. A peculiar group of people inquiring about something called... Legulus. It is quite fine if-"

"You came to the right person. I know many things, as the great Professor knows. I can tell you that yes indeed there has been just that. A group of men in suits and hats. They came to the village the other day during the middle of the night. If it hadn't been for the sleepless nights I've had, I wouldn't have noticed anything at all!

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