6. Trouble In Town

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The whistle blew, signalling the end of the long journey on the Molentary Express. Hershel had thoroughly enjoyed his last trip on the mighty cruise train, but this time had been... Well, rather less than enjoyable.

Dimitri and Flora began to pack their bags, but Hershel remained still in the corner of the carriage.


Hershel looked up slowly, as if just noticing that Dimitri was there.

"Aren't you going to help us pack?"

"Yes!" Flora exclaimed, folding a shirt in half and placing it roughly down in the suitcase. "We've been doing all the hard work and you're just..." She grunted as she heaved a large bundle of clothes into the suitcase, trying to work it in like some puzzle. "sitting there! That's not the act of a true gentleman!"

Hershel pursed his lips and stood up, determined to remain on top from now on.

"I apologise for my... sombre exterior. I have just been distracted as of late."

"Oh, I know that Professor. But frankly, that is no excuse! We have more important things to be worrying about!"

"Flora!" Dimitri gasped. "What the Professor is going through is not something that can easily be swept under the rug! That said... He could try and stay in touch with the world a little more."

Hershel nodded, but said nothing. The three looked up as the train came to a halt.

"Well the true adventure begins now..." Dimitri muttered.


The three stepped into Folsense station, a look of quiet apprehension in their eyes. For Flora and Dimitri, this was the first time they had seen Folsense. Though Flora had visited Folsense before, it was not her, but Hershel's self-proclaimed nemesis: Don Paolo in disguise. A mystery Hershel still couldn't make sense of. The real Flora had been left behind in Dropstone.

For Hershel, looking upon the smooth cobblestone streets and bright walls was like a breath of fresh air. Yet this air also contained something he could not quite understand. It was like something strange and foul was in the air.

They stopped before a bronze statue which appeared to be well cared for. The whole town looked much brighter than last time and Hershel realised that was because the Folsense of before was all an illusion. The colours only reflected that of a normal town. Now the colours were real and looked intense. More vibrant. The new residents had really brought out the life of the town.

"What is our first course of action then, Professor?" Flora beamed, stretching her arms wide and spinning on the spot. She was clearly glad to be out of the train and was excited to be in a new town. For Flora, this was a great adventure. Hershel smiled at her, but beneath that smile was the knowledge that this adventure felt hollow. He couldn't quite find it in himself to find much joy. Dimitri seemed to notice this and pointed down the long winding streets to a series of tall oddly shaped buildings

"Well step one: find a suitable hotel. Look there! There is a rather nice one snuggled inbetween those green and red buildings!"

"Yes..." Hershel agreed half-heartedly. "I remember that it was a very nice hotel. Luke commented on how the sofa was not as soft as the one on the Molentary Express..."

Dimitri shifted on the spot and spoke to relieve the tension.

"Well... Let's check in and decide what to do from there."

"That sounds like a plan!" Flora smiled, swinging her fist in the air. She apologised quickly as she almost hit one of the passengers from the train in the face.

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