Chapter 6: skipping class

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Mina POV
The next morning, I walked into class at the exact moment when the bell rang. I wouldn't want to spend more time beside the bastard that needed.

From my peripheral vision, I could see that he had his eyes on me most of the time and it made me severely uncomfortable. What more does he want from me?

Lessons started and the teacher droned on and on about the history of Korea. But that did not stop Hanbin from burning holes through me with his stare. It seemed as though he wanted to talk to me, and when he seemingly tried to open his mouth, I immediately asked for permission to excuse myself to the washroom.

The warm air outside was comfortable and soothing. It was much windier outside than in the classroom with poor ventilation. What's even better? There's no Hanbin here.

I stood at the railing and admired the scenery outside of school. Just then, someone stood beside me. Please not let this person be Kim Hanbin.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, without moving his eyes away from the scene below. It was Junhoe.

"Just taking a break from the tension inside" I complained.

"Come on, let's skip class then." Junhoe grabbed my wrist and tugged me away. I followed him skeptically and climbed two flights of stairs before we finally reached the rooftop.

"Nobody comes here anymore. It is our gang's secret hideout." He explained.

I look down at the scenery unfolding before my eyes. Mountains could be seen from miles away and the clear blue sky with white fluffy clouds added on to the picturesque view.

I turned to examine the rooftop itself. There were bean bags in the shaded area, tables and chairs were also available for students to study here.

"This is such a nice place to be at, why don't students come here anymore?" I asked.

"Because it is rumored, that this place is... haunted."

"What...?" I stuttered, feeling chills run down my spine at the thought of the scary stories behind the school's rooftop. Was that a shadow that just turned the coner???

"It has been said that the spirit of a female student lingers around the roof- ARGH!!!" Junhoe shouted in my ear, making me jump up in the air in shock. I did not managed to stand properly and I lost my balance, falling onto the ground.

"There are no scary stories about the rooftop! I was just bullshitting you!" Junhoe held onto his tummy and rolled on the floor laughing, literally.

We were both on the floor of the rooftop. My mouth was wide opened as I felt so stupid to be cheated by this idiot. And the idiot, sat on the floor, trying his best to stop laughing.

"You asshole!!!!" I kicked him with my feet and he tried desperately to block my moves.

"Alright alright, remind me never to prank Song Mina ever again." He stood up to brush his uniform.

"Gosh, I never expected such a dainty young lady like you to be so violent." He muttered.

"YAH! Who are you calling dainty?" I shot him a death glare.

"Alright, 'Song Mina' and 'dainty' are heaven and earth apart. Happy now?" He asked as he crossed his arms in front of him and smirked.

Junhoe and I sat at the rooftop as we talked about everything under the sun. It seems like we never ran out of topics and we had similar viewpoints about issues so it was very easy to chat with him.

Koo Junhoe may seem like a cold-hearted person on the outside, but once I got to know him better, I realized how easy-going of a person he was.

The school bell rang, signaling that it was lunch time and we had to head to the canteen. Junhoe stood up first and held out his hands to pull me up.

"I think I just found my best friend in my life!" I exclaimed and smiled at him genuinely.

"Me too, and I can't believe that I click with you better than the boys."

"It is just like how I think I am closer with you than with Eunmi."

"Oh please do not let Eunmi hear that or I would have to endure her wrath for stealing her BFF." Junhoe faked scared and ran away from me towards the rooftop's exit.


Hanbin POV
It was finally lunch break and Mina has not returned since half an hour ago when she went to the washroom. Had she lost her way since she was still new to the school? Or has she fainted in the toilet?

"Eunmi, can you go check the washroom? Mina has not been back since half an hour ago." I asked worriedly.

"Since when do you care so much about her?" Eunmi snapped at me.

I have no other answers to her question because it was true that I was still being a jerk to her yesterday and I have no rights to argue with Eunmi regarding Mina.

"Junhoe isn't here as well, perhaps they are together at the rooftop?" Jinhwan suggested.

"Junhoe just texted me that they are on the way to the canteen." Donghyuk read out the message that he had just received.

So Mina had been together with Junhoe. Were they already this close? Junhoe wasn't the friendliest person you could meet. I took a few months before I could finally melt that block of ice.

We saw them sitting at our usual table, laughing at a joke that nobody knew. Mina's smile was so natural and mesmerizing, it was something so beautiful that I would never get tired of it. I hope that one day, I could be a reason behind that captivating smile of hers. But at our current state, I doubt that day would come any day soon.

Once Mina had eye contact with me, her face tensed up, all the smiles from before had faded to nothing. Junhoe noticed the difference and immediately followed her gaze to me.

"Hello guys!! Seems like y'all had lots of fun skipping lessons just now huh?" Bobby joked, trying to clear the tensed atmosphere. Everyone found a chair and got seated.

It was obvious that Mina got less cheerful compared to previously when she was with Junhoe. And it was even more obvious that it was because of me.

We soon got our food and began to eat in silence. Mina was picking on her food and it seems like she did not have much appetite. I found an appropriate time before I started my sentence.

"Mi-" I got cut off by her.

"I don't feel like eating anymore, I'll go back to class first." With that she left again.

Everyone on the table turned to stare at me in disappointment. Well, they couldn't blame me, could they? I was trying my best to find an opportunity to apologise to her.

I guess I had to find some other chances...

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