Chapter 24: dress shopping!

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Mina POV
"Let's hangout after school today." Hanbin said as we were walking to school one morning.

Hanbin has been accompanying me to school almost everyday ever since we patched up. I guess he is really sincere in trying to make up for his past mistakes.

"Nope, I'm not free after school~"

"Yah, who are you going out with? Boys??" He stopped walking halfway and questioned me eagerly.

"Ani, I'm going shopping with Eunmi."

"Then let me go along! Donghyuk can go too!" He complained.

"And then turn it into a double date?" I shook my head at this clingy Hanbin.

"Sure, why not?" He continued.

"No way, we are having a girls day out to go shopping. You wouldn't want to come along." I replied.

"I actually don't mind!" He added.

"No no no, don't come along!! I want to buy my outfit for dinner and dance!"

"Minaaaaa, then what should I do when I end school?"

"Practice for your performance for dinner and dance! It's just 2 days away!"

"Oh right, it's just 2 days away... I almost forgot about it." He answered, slightly panicking.

"Yep so just practice with the boys then you won't feel bored anymore!" My answer didn't seem to satisfy him a lot and he continued sulking.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked.


"Yah Hanbinineee"

Although he still continued to ignore me, I knew he was trying to joke around.

"What should I do for you to talk to me again?" I tilted my head from side to side.

"Close your eyes?"

"Huh why?"

"Just do it," and I just followed his instructions.

Suddenly I felt his big palms grabbing the sides of my cheeks and Hanbin's soft lips gently grazed on my forehead.

And I secretly hoped that he attacked my lips instead...

I smiled through my closed eyes and muttered a really soft "saranghae Hanbin-ah".

"Nado saranghae." He replied as he lifted his head away. At that moment I felt like I was almost going to melt into a puddle of Mina from his actions.

We walked into class with our fingers intertwined.

"Whoop whoop, Mina is here!!" Chanwoo cheered and all the iKON boys turned to look at me.

"What's up? Why are you guys so excited to see me today?" I questioned.

"We need some advice!" Yunhyeong cooed.

"For?" I raised my eyebrow in question.

"How to ask girls out to dinner and dance????"

"You guys are iKON, there are so many fangirls out there dying to go for the event with you guys!" I exclaimed.

They shouldn't even need to worry about how to ask girls out!

"Mina, just share with us! What do girls like?" Bobby urged.

"Hmmm. I guess the most important thing is sincerity, you've got to show the girl that you really want to go to the party with her and her only."

"Okay, point taken- Sincerity is key." Jinhwan nodded his head.

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