Chapter 10: weird dreams

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Mina POV
I woke up one morning feeling all weird and well... fluffy?

I abruptly sat up on my bed, thinking back at the weird dream I had.


The cool breeze brushed across my cheeks as I laid onto a soft pillow on the bench at the park. Birds chirped away happily and the cherry blossoms were blooming above me. Everything was just perfect and I felt like I was in the most comfortable embrace of mother nature.

Just then my pillow started to sing. A gentle voice started humming and I could vaguely make out the words.

From your head to your toes, everything
You're my type
When I look at you,
I want you so bad I go crazy
I think about you even right before I go to sleep

I lifted my head and found myself staring eye to eye at the owner of the most angelic eyes I've ever seen- its Hanbin.

He caressed my hair and twirled them between his fingers as he continued humming words that I cannot make out. I was too mersmerised by his eyes, his face, everything. Since when was Hanbin so good looking?

I sat up on the bench from my lying position and engulfed Hanbin in a koala hug. I wrapped my fingers around him tightly as I sniffed in his scent. All I felt was pure happiness and I was contented with life.

Suddenly, people started shouting from afar, breaking the tranquility that I was enjoying. "There! There she is!" Some girls shouted as they pointed menacingly at me.

I was scared beyond wits end and I did the only thing I could think of. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, leaving my angelic boyfriend still seated on the bench.

I felt the girls getting nearer to me as they threw rotten eggs at me. I lost my balance and fell flat on the ground. The girls were quickly catching up. Just before one of them managed to grab hold of my hair, I picked myself up and continued sprinting away. I was saved!

What didn't end so well is that I ran straight off a cliff and fell to my death.


And then I woke up.

Although this dream kinda ended up as a nightmare for me, I'll never be able to forget the first fluffy part of my dream.

Everything felt so real that it was scaring the hell out of me.

Why the heck did I even dream of Hanbin? And him being my boyfriend? Singing me to sleep??? I must be crazy.

"Haish Mina, you are overthinking again, better get ready for school!" I slapped my own cheeks to make sure that I was fully awake.


"Why do you look so off the entire morning?" Eunmi asked me as we prepared to go for gym lessons.

"Ani... I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well since I had a weird dream yesterday." I replied.

"Ooooh, what dream? Did you dream of hot boys?" She nudged my shoulder.

"Huh wwhat?" I was surprised at Eunmi's words. How did she know??? And wait what no Hanbin isn't a hot boy!!

"OMO did I hit the nail on the head?" She smirked as she knew that she has guessed correctly.

"Omg Mina exactly what dirty thought have been going through your mind?" She teased me so loudly that the boys have made their way around us.

"What are you teasing Mina about? Let us in on the joke!" Donghyuk asked as he placed his arms around Eunmi.

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