Chapter 12: carnival

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Mina POV
"Eunmi, I don't think this is working..." I said to the girl busy studying beside me.

Eunmi turned around to look at the boys who were supposed to be studying. But things aren't like what she expected. All of them were either sleeping on the tables, using their phones or just simply day dreaming.

"Guys!!! This study session is for you guys to catch up on your work after spending so much time dancing!!!" She screeched. Even Donghyuk had covered his ears with his palms.

"But Eunmi~ We need to destress and not study to make ourselves more stressed!" Jinhwan complained.

"Yeah, do you know how stressful is it to be targeted by tiger Hanbin everyday?" Chanwoo whined as well.

Hanbin threw his notebook at Chanwoo. "Ya, since when was I so horrible?"

"Since the beginning of time," Bobby replied with a blank expression.

That earned him a flying eraser right smack onto his face.

"Guys, have you heard that there is a carnival opened nearby?" Yunhyeong said.

"Omg is it the carnivals with lots of rides?" I asked excitedly.

"Mina, you're supposed to be on my side! They need to study!" Eunmi pouted.

"Come on Eunmi, don't tell me you're not tempted by those carnival rides and food!" I bumped her with my shoulders.

"Not tempted at all!" She stood her ground.

"Well, Donghyuk is going. Are you tempted by him?" Junhoe just said those magical words and finally, Eunmi gave in.

I giggled and gave Junhoe a high-five, happy that we managed to persuade Eunmi. We packed our studying materials and headed over to the carnival.

I'm really impressed with the telepathy and chemistry I have with Junhoe at times. We just happen to click so well.


Pop songs could be heard blasting out loud and there was a large crowd gathered at the carnival. There were a large variety of rides, game stalls and food stalls.

We decided to start off with the Viking ship. It has been a long time since I last sat on one so I was feeling extremely excited!!

"Let's go!!" Hanbin grabbed my hand and we rushed onto the Viking ship. I blushed at the contact and it made my heart beat five times faster than normal. Why was I feeling like this?

When all of us boarded the ship, I found myself caught between a stare down once again. With Hanbin on my left and Junhoe on my right, they were staring fiercely at each other.

"Yah dudes what's wrong with your eyes?" Bobby asked from the seat behind us, saving me from the awkward situation. The two boys finally broke off their (iKONtact) eye contact.

"This is gonna be so fun!!" I cheered as the Viking ship started to move.

"I know right!! Wooo~" Hanbin raised his hands in the air and you could see that he was truly enjoying himself.

On the other hand, I felt that Junhoe was being a little too quiet. I turned to his direction to see that he has his eyes shut tightly.

"Junhoe are you okay? The ride hasn't even started!" I laughed at the frightened boy on my side.

"I'm... just a little scared of heights." He answered, not opening his eyes at all.

"Then what are you doing here? You could have waited for us at the bottom!"

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