Chapter 1. Tonys Drunken Turtle

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Kellins POV

"Alright got my popcorn popped. Got the DVD player set up. Sounds like the perfect Friday night to me." I say to myself as I sit down to get comfortable on my couch.

*ring ring*

Just as I was about to click play my phone rang. I picked it up off my wooden coffee table and looked to see who it was. The phone screen glowed 'Justin'. I slide my finger across the screen and put the phone up to my ear.

"Kells!" My best friend says happily through the phone.

"Yes Justin?" I ask wanting to go back to watching my movie.

"Wanna hang out tonight?" He asks sounding very hopeful.

"Sure I guess. Come to my place. We can watch movies." I say as he sighs.

"Kells, I meant like out out." I just shake my head even though he can't see me.

"Justin, you know I don't like big crowds of people. I just wanna stay in tonight." I say and I could hear him shuffling around.

"You mean like every night?" He asks sarcasm lacing his words.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Don't be. Be ready in few minutes. Because I'm on my way." He says. An before I could object he hung up.

"Great." I say to myself as I go get ready. I changed out of my sweatpants and old tee into black skinny jeans, a flannel, and a black jacket on top of that. It's pretty chilly this time of year.

*knock knock*

"Oh I wonder who that could be." I sarcastically ask as I answer my front door.

"Hey Kells! Hey thanks for hanging out with me tonight!" Justin says as soon as I open the door.

"Y'know.....I really didn't have much of a choice." I closed the door behind me and locked it after I grabbed my favorite hat. Then he lead me to his car in front of my building.

"Justin remind me why your taking me out." I ask putting my seat belt on.

"Because you need to find somebody." He says putting the keys in the ignition and starting the car.

"You know I don't want to find anyone else after what happened." I say and turn toward the window watching the lights blur past us.

"Kells, It won't happen again. He was bad to you. You deserve someone better." He says softly resting a hand on my knee. I just stay silent not even making eye contact.

"Come on. I'll be your wing man and help you. If it doesn't work out then tomorrow night we can watch movies together." A smile formed on my face as I looked at him with a sigh.

"Fine." A grin forms on his face as we continue to drive to the mystery destination. We pulled up to a club that seemed fairly large.

"Tony's Drunken Turtle?" I ask reading the clubs name out loud as I say a light up turtle holding a beer mug.

"Yeah! And tonights is its grand opening and I wanted to check it out." He exclaims.

We walk in to see a bunch of younger and older people grinding on each other to the beat to the crappy song playing on the stereo.

"So uh....what do we do now?" I turn over to see that Justin has left my side. I look around to see him already flirting with a tall redhead.

Typical, well might as well find a place to sit. I look around and I see a little isolated stool at the bar. I sat down and looked around at the current place I am in.

"I so wish I was home right now" I thought to myself. After 20 minutes of just sitting alone on my phone a waitress puts a drink in front of me.

"Um... Excuse me miss... I uh... Didn't order this." I looked up at the bleach blonde waitress and she grinned

"Oh I know hun, he did."


Well that was the first chapter...

Whatcha think?

This is our first Kellic we wrote together. We have some pretty big plans for this book. More to come!

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TotalxNonsense & taco_veil

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