Chapter 4. Roomates?

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Kellins POV

"Come on Kellin. Just come out with me. It'll be fun." Justin whines for the fifteenth time trying to persuade me to go on a shopping adventure with him, while I still have an entire season on Netflix to catch up on.

"Last time I went out with you, you left me ALONE in a club with a bunch of drunk people." I try telling him as he just rolls his eyes at me.

"But you met someone didn't you." He walks towards me with a grin.

"That was a one time thing." I say with straight face and walk the other direction towards the fridge.

"Come on... I'll buy you anything." He sounds desperate at this point.

"Anything?" I poke my head above the fridge door.

"Yes, anything." He pleads.

"How about a new best friend?" I smile sarcastically as I continue to rummage through the practically empty fridge.

"Okay bitch that was low. Even for you." He says as his face drops.

"Just get in the fucking car." I say as he smiles excitingly and I close the fridge door following behind him.

*many many hours later*

"Can we go home now?" I ask, feeling my arms starting to go numb from carrying all of Justin's bags.

"No just three more stores. Stop complaining." He shushes me as I mumble to myself. "You still haven't bought me anything."

"I'll buy you coffee later. Come on." I sigh as we continue to walk.

I feel my phone vibrate, indicating that I got a notification. With the arm that wasn't too full of shopping bags, I skillfully grab my phone to check it. I see that I got a follow on Instagram. But from who? Who would want to follow me?

I click on the notification tab and see a follow from 'Vic Fuentes'. As I try to connect the dots in my head, I bump into figure. I look up, only to be met with a pair of familiar mocha eyes.

"Uh uh." I stammer, feeling flustered as he stands there with a flirtatious grin. "Hey kitten."

The only thing stopping me from saying hello back, was the the sound of my immature best friend, Justin, clearing his throat. "You gonna introduce me to your friend here."

"Uh right. Um." I go to speak but stumble on my words.

"Hi I'm Justin. I'm the best friend plus roommate." He sticks out his hand.

"Your not my-" I go to speak but get interrupted instead.

"Roommate." Justin smiles widely.

"Oh uh. Hi I'm Vic." Vic speaks skeptically but shakes Justins hand anyway.

"Well nice to meet ya Vic." Justin grabs onto my shoulders with a smile. "Kell and I here are busy busy so we'll see ya around."

"Oh ok. I'll talk to you later Kellin." Vic calls as Justin drags me away.

"Uh yea." I call back as we turn a corner. Justin lets go of me as I turn to him. "What the hell Justin?"

"You weren't gonna do anything. Come on." I follow him in the direction of his house not mine.

"Where are we going now?"

"To get my stuff."

"Wait what?"

*A time skip*

"You were actually being serious?" I ask as I stand in the doorway, watching Justin carry his things in.

"Of course. Don't want him questioning things. And don't want any funny business around here between you and your boy toy."

"He's not my boy toy!"

"You're right... Your his boy toy."


"Alright Alright... Kitten."

"Fuck you Justin!"

"Hey. I'm not gonna interfere, so I'll leave that for him." Justin walks away as he speaks." What's his name again?" Pokes head out door.

"I will fucking end you." I yell throwing a pillow at him. He dodges the thrown object while laughing ass off.

I sit on the couch with a huff and take off my jacket, only to see a piece of paper fall out.

I pick it up and read what it says:
Call me Kitten xoxo

I grab my phone, putting the phone number into my contacts. I then open my messaging app and think what to do.

"Hey its ya boi." No

"Hi its kellin." To elementary

"Hey ;)" too much

"Why don't you just say hey." I turn my head to see Justin leaning over shoulder. I fumble my with phone, almost dropping it.

"What the hell Justin!" I put the phone screen to my chest.

"Im just trying help you with your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Yet." I blush like crazy as he smirks.

"Fuck off Justin." He puts his hands up and walks away towards his new room.

I decide on taking my best friends advice, agreeing that a simple hey will do.

Hey its Kellin

Now I wait for those 3 little dots and the anxiety to kick in.


So a little comedic relief chapter with a lot of F-bombs. This book will be a romantic and a comedy. Also can we just talk about how Justin is TotalxNonsense & Kellin is taco_veil in this situation haha. Hope you liked it and sorry, once again, for being sucky at updating.

Ciao 👋

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