the beginning

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Taylor's pov

It's been almost a month since me and Tom got together, every time I look at him it's like the first time.  They only worry right now is Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. I can't believe how they stabbed me in the back. I can't even look at my phone. I'm so scared of what people might be saying... Tom has been so supportive like he is now. 

Tom walks up to me. "Have you looked yet?" He asks me. "No... I don't know if I want to..." I reply. Tom takes my hand. "It'll be ok, I'm sure of it. your fans will pull through," He reminded me. I smile. "I know they will, I love them!" I tell him, "How about we go for a walk, I'm on set this afternoon so why don't we make the most of our morning?" Tom asks me. I nod at his idea and we begin to walk outside. My phone begins to buzz, it's Selena. "Do you need to take that?" Tom asks, "No, not right now, I can call her this afternoon," I inform him with a smile. We walk towards the beach. "I love it here," Tom says, "So do I," I say as I cuddle up to Tom. We sit down on the beach and a rest my head on his shoulder. Tom leans in and give me a kiss on my forehead. "I love you Tom," I tell him, "I love you too," I reply. Tom's phone begins to ring. "It's the director, I should get going..." Tom says, "I wish you didn't have to," I say. Tom kisses me but we're broken off by the flash of paparazzi. I shouldn't think they have anything worthwhile though. Tom takes my hand and leads me back to the hotel. Before he goes he give me one last kiss goodbye. I suppose I have to look at what they've been saying. The first thing I see is snake emojis, everywhere. It's all over my Instagram. Before I know it I can't stop. I'm flicking through the comments the emojis on every social media I can, I keep looking on the news. I can't believe that people have said such things about me, I can't stop reading and looking at it all. I hurt all over. I'm transfixed though. Everything I see makes me want to see more but everything makes me hurt more. I don't even know how long I've been staring at the screen for. Selena begins to call again but I can't even bring myself to pick up so it goes to voicemail. "Hi I just wanted to see how you are, that was a big blow, I hope everything is cool. Tom told me that you haven't looked yet but, Well just a warning it's not pretty... well see you soon, Selena". Hearing the voicemail makes me burst out in tears, I don't know why but I didn't feel like I was in a reality before but when I heard her voice it made me realise it's all real.  I don't even know. I want to disappear. When Selena calls again she has perfect timing. I was just about to scroll but instead my finger tapped pickup. All she can hear is my Crying. "Taylor? Are you ok... don't take it heart they don't know what they're saying... Taylor," Selena say. I just cry and cry and cry I can't stop myself. "Taylor, I'm going to call Tom, don't go anywhere," and then Selena hangs up. It isn't long before I'm getting calls from Tom, I can't even touch my phone, I'm shaking all over. I get an text, it reads "Taylor please pick up, Selena told me, you're worrying me now. Should I talk to the director? I can come back now" The message reads. I can't. I toss the phone on the floor and mindlessly walk out the room. I'm walking out the hotel. I don't know to where I just know it's to somewhere 

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