the date

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Taylor's POV

I couldn't help myself, I really wanted to get out of Australia. My phone begins to ring again, it's Selena. "Do you need to take that?" Tom asks me, "Um yeah I think so..." I reply. I pick up the call. "Hey," I say, "Hey, are you ok? Tom said you went phyco last night," Selena tells me I raise and eye brow at Tom and he shrugs. "Yeah all is good, I just overreacted. We're in a mall right now," I tell my bestie, "Oh cool, are you two on a date?" Selena asks, "haha you could say so," I reply, "I'll let you have your fun," Selena tells me, then she hangs up. "What was that look for?" Tom asks me with a laugh, "you told Selena I went Phyco?" I laugh, "well you scared me especially when you started just falling in the water, I actually thought you had gone mad," Tom tells me. I smile at him. "How about a spot of Lunch?" Tom offers. I non authentically  which unfortunate makes me really dizzy again. I've been feeling hot all days and slightly dizzy. Tom looks at me with worry. "Are you ok?" he asks me, at least I think that's what he said, I couldn't really hear him. I think things are begging to go dark but I feel Tom's arm wrap protectively around me and it sort of brings me around a little, when I think I'm about to pass out I feel somebody lift me and begin to carry me, I know it's Tom. After a little the dizziness clears. "Tom?" I say "Taylor, thank god you're alright. What happened?" Tom asks me, "I don't know, don't worry about it," I tell him. I gives me that look that tells me he'll worry anyway. "You known none of this would have happened if you hadn't have gone for a midnight swim," Tom joked, "well yeah but that's besides the point," I laugh "you can put me down you know?", "True but it isn't a long walk," Tom tells me, "Yes but if the tabloids see..." I point out, "Then we'll survive, besides I'm scared that if I put you down you'll faint and you know it too," Tom ends the conversation. I just smile at him, how can one person care so much? I bury my head into his chest. Before I know it we're back at the hotel. "Lie down Taylor, god knows you need to," Tom tells me as he puts me down. I make my way back to bed and I'm surprised when Tom joins me. He snuggles up to me and makes me feel warm inside. Nobody else has been able to do that for me. I spin around and plant a kiss on his nose. "I love you," I say, "I love you more," Tom replies. I giggle for a moment, "I love you most," I tell Tom, "You have me there," he laughs. Tom wraps one of his arms around me and pulls me closer and I lay my head on his chest. "I'll always love you," I wispier, "What was that?" Tom asks. I guess that means he didn't hear me. "Nothing," I say with a laugh. Tom simply smiles. "You know I heard you right?" Tom eventually asks, "You did not," I say trying to sound offended, "What do you mean by always?" Tom asks, "I mean you're the only person I could ever love Tom, I mean that I honestly do. I will always love you... even if you don't always love me," I explain. A smile spreads across Tom's face, I love his smile it makes my world light up. "I'll always love you," Tom tells me. Eventually I fall asleep, I know I did so smiling, Tom has a way of doing that, there's no way you could do anything but smile around him.

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