Jesus Makes People Uncomfortable

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"God bless you when people's you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great award awaits you in heaven."
Matthew 5:11-12

God is incredibly awesome, but not everyone believes it. When you talk about God, there is a risk of lies being spread about you. This struggle has been apart of our experience since the beginning.

Jesus Makes people uncomfortable. Many can't believe smart people follow Jesus.

These people may irritate you, and even insult you, but God says your in good company. Pray for patience, pray for the person who irritates you, and pray for wisdom to know how to respond.

Dear God it's not exactly the highlight of this week when someone makes fun of me. But you tell me to be glad that others reject me because of you. When this happens. I must remember they may not like my message, but they're ultimately rejecting you. Give me the strength to stand up for you and disrespectful the irritation.

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