" The One"

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Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: Don't excite log, don't stir it up, until the time is ripe-and you're ready.
Song Of Solomon 2:7

What girl doesn't dream of love? Most of us can't wait to feel noticed, special, and beautiful. Chances are, you'll fall in love someday, put on a magnificent wedding gown and walk down the aisle to the man of your dreams. But today is not that day. And this is not the time to stir up the passions of your heart or body.

Song of Solomon is a beautiful poem about a man and woman who celebrate the intimacies of love and marriage. But three times a warning is given not to excite such love and desires before the time is right. Yet our culture makes it easy to be discontent and impatient for romance.

Are you chancing after love with shallow relationships, movies, and romance novels? Examine your heart and determine if you need to splash col water on your desires by slowing down, avoiding romantic material, or changing your perspective. Stirring up love to early only heart until God shows you who is worthy or receiving it. Be content to wait for love.

Jesus, help me guard my heart and not obsess about boys, but to simply have fun with my friends. Help me to be content to wait.

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