Princess Of The King

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Good decided in advance top adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.
Ephesians 1:5

What girl doesn't want to be a princess? I mean, seriously. The beautiful dresses... the perfect hair... the dashing prince... Yes, please! But you know what? You are a princess? God the King has adopted us into his family-and that makes you a princess! He has lavishly clothed you with righteousness, made you heir of a glorious inheritance, and even provided a dashing prince to save you while you were in distress. WOW!

The next time you feel unattractive, unworthy or unnoticed, remember that you are the daughter of the king. You are greatly loved. You are special. You are wanted. You're a princess.

Almighty God, thank you for making me a real princess! You wanted me to be part of your family, and my adoption gave you great pleasure. Thank you for sending a prince to save me from my sins. Help me to be selfless and serving like a true princess and share your love with others so they can be adopted by you, too!

Authors note:
Thank you all for the 30 something views. I really appreciate it. I just can't believe that this devotion book is getting so many views. Thank you all. And can you please tell me how long it does take you to reflect it, read it, and pray about it. I know it only take my 2-3 minutes. I just want to see how many minutes it takes you to read it. :)

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