*** Don't Quite ***

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Don't get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don't give up.
Galatians 6:9

I want to love my siblings, but it's so hard sometimes. My brother can be such a jerk, and my sister is always taking my stuff. Why can't the just be nice and leave me alone?

And my friend that isn't saved-God I've been praying for her forever. But is doesn't seem like it's made a difference. Nothing I say or do seems to prod her toward excepting you.

It all just seems so... hopeless, sometimes. Like no matter how hard I try to love others, it doesn't make a difference.

Well I guess that's not entirely true. My brother does watch out for me and defend me when others pick on me. And my sister does share the tv with me so I can watch what I want to watch. Who knows? Maybe my friend will finally agree to come to youth group with me this week.

God help me to keep serving others, even when it seems like I'm not making a difference. And help me to keep loving them, even when it's hard and don't feel like it.

Lord, thank you for reminding me not to give up. I'm so discouraged sometimes, but I know ill see a difference. If I'm willing to keep going. Please give me strength and encouragement when I need it.

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