Bringing Light to Broken

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     Everyone is broken at least once in their lives. This breaking and the process of being put back together is what forms us as people. The thing about breaking is you can never be what you were before. Pieces get lost and pieces get added ending in an entirely different person. Against popular belief time does not heal all wounds, time just covers the wounds in scars that can always be reopened. These scars numb the pain making it less obvious.
     Broken can also describe society. With everything we hear about in the world how can society not be even just a little bit broken. All of the hatred, judgement, and discrimination. Society can't handle the idea of it being  broken so it hides it. Society doesn't teach us how to fix broken, only how to hide it. The hiding will only hurt more like trying to hide shards of glass in your hand.
     All of these poems show the hidden parts of myself the parts that are broken. Even if they are healed they can easily be reopened just because it has been healed doesn't mean it's gone. The scars will remain some more easily reopened then others, but all of them can be reopened in the right circumstances.

Broken | Wattys 2016Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя