Prison of the Mind

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I'm in a prison
A prison of the mind
I'm guarded by voices
Who'll never leave me be
Their cruelty unrelenting
Their maliciousness untamed
The pain of their presence
Drives me to madness

I'm in a prison
A prison of the soul
That sucks creativity
Down a dark, dark hole
Everything around me withers
Withers dies
The voices are here
And everywhere
Some are banished to dark corners
Others awake and free

I'm in a prison
A physical prison
With walls of stone
White walls stained
By the insanity trapped inside
By time
Windows barred
So not even a thought
Could escape

I'm in a prison
A prison of emotion
Where the darkest emotions live
The outside a facade of joy
A prison formed
To protect people
From pain
Pain they can't comprehend
The pain of containing them
Nearly kills me
Like holding shards of glass
Keeping them from
Scattering everywhere

I'm in a prison
A prison of the heart
A prison formed by loss of love
The loss of a friend
Broke my heart
The prison contains the pieces
Preventing further damage
Yet isolates from tender love
Given willingly

I'm in a prison
And it seems I'll never be free

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