The Thundering Storm That Is My Life

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I used to be a little girl scared of storms
Ba boom
The thunder roared across the sky
I curled up in the closet
Surrounded by the soft warmth of blankets
Every crack of thunder 
Sends me back
Back to when my family was whole
Ba boom
My dad throws open the door 
To my room
As I cower away from 
His ferocious screams
Ba boom
He throws my things across the room
Nothing ages me more than his rampages
His fits of terror pushed me
Out of my childhood
And into a scary world full of things that go 
Ba boom
The loudest of them all is in my mind
I cannot see why I hate all of me
If only I could cry all my problems away
Just curl up and hope they do not stay
But instead I hear
Ba boom
From the voices in my head
That are consistently tearing me down
Ba boom 
Their voice echoes in my skull
Die! They scream
But I want to I need to live
Maybe if I can free myself
I can help others see 
The hatred for themselves
Is just the voices in their head
But the voices come back 
Ba boom 
There is nowhere to hide 
From my past my present my future
And everything thing that despises me
My past haunts me
My present suffocates me
My future is the looming darkness 
That is settling 
Ba boom 
My heart beat speeds up
Ba boom
Everything screams remember
When I've tried so hard to forget
My best friend, my betrayer
The thief that took my innocence
My ability to trust
By shoving himself where he didn't belong
Ba boom 
My head pounds
As I try to block it out
Why did you use me as
An outlet for your frustration
I'm a living breathing person
Whose feelings matter too
I guess that didn't occur to you
Or you would think about what you do
Ba boom
I yell at the sky 
How could you do that to me
And feel ok to die
Was I just a toy 
Something for you to use
If that is so
Then I'm so over you
Ba boom
When can I be done
Ba boom
Can my innocence ever be re-won
Can my song be unsung my story undone
Ba boom
Please take me back to when
Ba boom
Just meant thunder
Back when hiding in the closet   
Could make all your problems go away

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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