Captured in a Storm

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Everyday whether sane or mad

The clouds keep rolling in

I beg them to go

They thunder in response

When I realize it's no use

Tears roll onto my cheeks

Like the rain freezing my bones to the core

I hide in fear

Worrying what the next day will bring

Icy fingers of the wind finds me 

Ripping my slow-earned self-confidence to shreds

Driving me to madness

This storm always finds me

Ruining even the sunniest of days

I feel so helpless

So alone in a storm I can't escape

Hovering over me 

Ever-present, ever-watching

Waiting for the right moment to strike

I want to throw in the towel

Give up, give into the pull of the storm

End the stress and be done

But I keep fighting every single day

To stand up for what I believe in

Because that will never change 

I believe my voice deserves to be heard

Not drowned out by a storm

I will, I will, I will

Be strong, be brave, and be heard

For who knows how long I have 

Until the madness devours me

Broken | Wattys 2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora