Dear Friend

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Dear friend
Do you know
I have voices in my head
That they tell me
I am nothing
A waste of space
Of air
Of life
Do you know
They wanted me
To kill myself
How can you
Tell me I'm loved
Then turn the other cheek
Ignore the pain
Is it really that hard
To acknowledge it
How can I
Tell you what I feel
If you can't accept it
Do you know
The very thought of you
Drives me to tears
Do you know
I feel like a prisoner
In my own mind
You can't fix me
There is nothing wrong
With me
My depression is not me
My anxiety is not me
I do not need to be fixed
Do you know
I let the voices in
They made me feel loved
The kind
I desperately yearned for
The voice comforted me
Took care of me
When I felt alone
Do you know
How I felt
When the voices turned
Into malicious
Heartless creatures
Telling me I was
better off dead
Could you have listened
Listened to my pleas
Let me tell my feelings
And just let me be
Instead you shoved them aside
Told me I was wrong
Told me I needed to feel something else
I locked away my pain for you
So you wouldn't have to see
I did it all for you and it nearly killed me

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