Why Don't You See Me

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Why don't you see me

Writing for you

Why don't you see me

Don't you care

You hear my screams

Yet all you do is glare

Can you acknowledge me

With something besides

Your eyes ice cold

I write out my

Heart and soul

For you

Yet you still don't understand

All I see in you

Is a heart

Of solid ice

Nothing can pierce

The frozen veil

I wail in torment

Yet you stand idly by

Pretending to see nothing

Pretending I'm alright

How can you live with knowing

I looked up to you


You abandoned me

I only need love

Just to know you cared

I'm not asking you

To take it all away

For you to fix it all

I can't suffer

All alone

Is that too much to ask

For you to be there

As a friend

Shutting people out

Must come

As easily to you

As these words

Are coming to me

I hate spending

Every second knowing

I'll be the last one picked

I'll never be anyone's

First choice

I'll be the one

Always left behind

Waiting for the dust to clear

Or the sun to rise

For in this cloudy darkness

I am considered prey

To the evil monsters

Who in the darkness lay

No sun comes

Nor does the fog go

So I'm left here

In the dark

With them

Feasting on my bones

My last wish is

For my story to be told

That someone will

Find this poem

And they will understand

All the pain and turmoil


So now they know

They need not

Suffer on their own

Broken | Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now