Chapter three

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Jayden's POV

"Please, please, pretty please." We were sitting on my bed. It was Friday after school. Josh was torturing me again.

"No chance."

"I beg you. I'll do what you want!"


"Beside that."

"Fuck off, you wanted a girlfriend now suffer consequences."

"I will clean your room every day for a month" I paused at that. It was tempting. He practically lives here. He can do it al least. I'm lazy.

"I don't know..."

"What am I going to do there alone?! I need men's support."

"To watch a fashion show? You know you don't have to go on the catwalk, right?"

"Very funny, bitch. Just agree"

"But I supposed to go to gym at Sunday..."

"Oh god, now gym is more important than me?! Can't you skeep one time? You're fit enough." I feel like I have a girlfriend now.

"Ughh you're worse than girl on her period. Okay I'll go."

"Yeahhh! We can do this together bro!" So dramatic. Should be an actor.

"Whatever. Turn on xbox. I'll get us some snacks." I went to kitchen and saw my little brother Alan there.

"What's up, bro?" He just hugged me or rather my legs since he's so small.

"Will you play soccer with me?" He gave my his puppy face. I often have to look after him. Our parents both work and my older sister Grace is at college in Cali but I don't mind. He's such an angel.

"Sure in half an hour. I have a friend upstairs. Go get changed. Don't forget to find a ball." With that he run to his room to do what he was told to. He wouldn't want to play with Josh. He doesn't like him. Like everybody beside me and parents. He doesn't trust people after what happend... I grabbed some chips and two cans of Dr. Pepper. In my room Josh was already playnig COD. He didn't wait for me? Impossible.

"One more time!"

"No. You already said that ten times. Time to accept your defeat you looser"

"I won twice. Who is looser now" He retorted.

"Still you. Get out. I promised Alan I'll play soccer with him"

"Gezzz ok. Oh I forgot to tell you there's a party tomorrow. Everybody's going. It's some chick's birthday. Her name is Danielle, I think. Wanna go?" I couldn't say no to that.

"Of course. Text me later."

Next day I showered after my morning training (which turned to last a few hours) and changed into some decent clothes. I didn't really care what I wear as long as it wasn't making me look like a clown. When I was finished, there was a ring at my door.

I went downstairs and saw my mum talking with Josh. We chose to take his car since his brother was supposed to be our driver this night.

"Okay. Go have fun. Just don't have too much fun, I'm serious" My mother remainded me.

"Of course ma'am. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" I lagughed at that. Like Josh was any better.

When we arrived there was already a lot of our peers.

House was very big. Obviously this Danielle chick has money.

We were slowly going inside with Josh, Cassey and Josh's brother Mark when Holy appeared in front of me.

"Baby, I've been looking for you sooo long. All my life." She said kissing my lips sloppily. Ughh gross... I pushed her off immediately like I was a kid grossed out by a 'stupid' girl.

She wasn't my first kiss. I've kissed some girls before. Only to find out that I didn't like it.

She seemed to be confused why I didn't let her eat my face off. She probably had too much to drink.

"What's wrong baby? Why don't you let your girlfriend kiss you? I chocked on air.

"You aren't my girlfriend. You're my stalker. So get a life and stop being so obsessed with me. I don't want you!
Maybe somebody would if you won't be so needy slut!" Okay I got carried away. She really gets on my nerves but I should  skeep that needy slut part. That was a dick move.

Especially becouse there was an impressive crowd gathering around us.

She was furious. She wasn't used to not getting something she wanted. So she pushed me into the pool that was behind us and walked away like a fucking storm happily ruining everything what's in her sight.

I guess I deserved it. Next time I won't have conversation like this with a girl, next to the pool.

My friends were enjoying a show. They were laughing their asses off.

Okay, I hope it's possible to read at least. I enjoy writing this...
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