Chapter seven

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Jayden's POV:

When the lunch break ended Nolan went to his class with Cassey I and went to mine with Josh.

"I fucking hate that guy. Why from all of high schools on this world he had to choose ours? He's all Cassey is talking about. Nolan this Nolan that. I think my ears will start bleeding soon."

"Shut up, don't be like this. You don't know a thing about him. Maybe he's actually a cool guy? You only 'hate' him cause he gets your girlfriend's attention. "

"You wouldn't like him too if he tried to steal you your girlfriend." He argued.

"He isn't trying to steal her. They're just friends. If you can't trust him, trust Cassey. She's so in love with you, you idiot."

"I still don't like him. But nevermind. Let's talk about that misterious girl of yours!" He wanted to know into who I bumped.

I remembered the shock I felt when I caught Nolan. I couldn't believe it was him. His eyes were so warm chocolate shade. They hypnotized me. They were big and curious, but I could tell they had a little bit of sadness in them.

In that moment I wanted to be every reason of joy to their owner, so I could see as they shine.

"Jayden!" I was brutally dragged down on the earth by Josh.


"Are you in your love bubble?" He grinned.

"I'm saying it one last time. There's no girl" Technically I wasn't lying.

Time was flying by and it was end of the school day before I knew it. I decided to stop sighing to my crush like a girl and do something.

I thankfully found Nolan at his locker grabbing his things.

"Hi again! Umm I just wondered, if you maybe could if you want to spend some time with me? Maybe in my house or somewhere else." Fuck. Do I make any sense?

However he understood and was suprised but considered it.

"Uhh s-sure. When?"


"Oh, okay. Why not?"

So we went outside.

"Where are you from?" I asked

"I'm from Ohio."

"Oh, and do you travel a lot?

"Practically all my life. I'm a model"

"How did it start? You know the whole modeling thing?"

"My mother took me to a casting for an advertisement. We needed money. It's been hard after my fater's death..."

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I was curious how it happened but decided not to ask. We're practically strangers.

"It's okay. It happened so long ago."

"It doesn't mean you miss him any less." He looked at me once once again.

"It doesn't."

"You seem to spend a lot of time modeling. Do you like it?" He was startled.

"Nobody never asked me this before..."

"Why not?" I didn't understand. This is a very important question. The anserw could maybe even tell if he's happy.

"I don't think anyone cared. I'm doing what I'm doing and I'm good in it. Why people should care if it makes me happy?" I didn't like this explanation.

"I care because I care about you."

"You don't know me."

"I want to know you. And I want to be your friend" That simple sentence brought a real smile to his lips. And I will remember forever the first smile that he gave me.

"I want to be your friend too."

"Jayden, who's your cute friend?" My mother asked in the moment we steped into the house. She must saw us from a window.

"Mom meet Nolan. He's a new student in my school. He's just moved into our town"

"Hello dear! I'm Genevieve Dowell but call me Genevieve. May I ask, why did you moved so suddenly? I mean school has already started almost month ago..."

"Nice to meet you, Genevieve. It was my mother's decision. She said it'll do good to me. You know, staying somewhere for a little longer. I'm a model."

"Oh, it's great! I should've known that seeing that pretty face of yours. Isn't he cute?"

I visibly blushed.

"Yeah, he is. We'll go upstairs now." I said avoiding Nolan's eyes and his reaction.

"Okay, have fun. I'll call you when dinner is ready."

When we were in my room I noticed that he was looking around like everything was new to him. He stared on posters on the wall with a child like awe.

"What? Is my room that bad or too messy?"

"No, no it's not messy or bad. I actually like it." I mentally thanked Josh for cleaning my room, like he promised. And convincing me to go on this show because I met Nolan there.

"Then what?"

"It's just... I've never had a teenager's room. Hell, I've never even been in one. I like it."

It took me a while to understand. He always lived in hotel rooms and it might seem to be cool for most teenagers, but he missed having a real home.

"Well, now you can have one. You said that your mother bought a house"

"Yeah, but it still won't be the same. In your house, there is an atmosphere that you and your family create. My mother treats me like a stranger. She's cold as ice." He ended and I was stunned. I couldn't believe he told me so personal things knowing me only two days. I can tell he isn't let's share our emotions, bring some ice cream type of guy (yes I'm that observant) and yet, there he is telling me about his family problems.

"It's okay. I know it's probably too soon but you should know that you have me, Cassey, Nick and hell even Josh. We can be your family cause family isn't just relatives.

He looked like he was about to cry. So I walked closer and hugged him tightly. I felt the same when I touched him for the first time. He hugged me back. And I haven't ever felt so happy in my life before.

Everything that happened after doesn't matter. At least we didn't think so. We were too happy to care what we were doing as long as we were doing it togerher.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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