I thought they're never gonna get me- Question Tag

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Hello, you beautiful creatures! If there is anybody heh. This isn't another chapter of my crappy story. I got tagged by mila_hasanovic in a challenge. I have to anserw 13 questions. Thanks again for tagging me!

Here are the rules:
1. Post all the rules.
2. Tag 13 people.
3. You must anserw all of the questions.
4. Don't skip the tag.
5. You can tag back.
6. Think of a creative title.
7. You must post this as a chapter, not as a comment.

Let's play...

Question 1: What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Of course it had to be the hardest first 😂 I think it was when we were on some family party and we were greeting each other. I wanted to kiss my uncle on the cheek but I'm an clumsy idiot and I ended up accidentcly kissing his lips... I even left there a little lip gloss. 😂 Everyone saw this and they were having trouble to stop laughing. My uncle said: hey, not so fast. I wished the earth could open and swollow me up after that.

Question 2: Where are you from?
Poland. Do anyone know where it is? XD
Question 3: What's your favourite color?

Question 4: If you could be an animal which you would be and why?

I would be a wolf! I wanna live in a pack! Wolfs are so beautiful! I'm obsessed with them. I'm constantly drawing them.

Question 5: If you could control one out of four elements (fire,water,air,earth) which one would it be and why?

Water, obviously. If you read my book, you'll know why. 😘

Question 6: What is your favourite book?

I love "The Giver" by Louis Lowry and "Two Boys Kissing" by David Levithan. Can't decide but I cried more while reading Two boys kissing. 😭

Question 7: Who is your favourite artist?

James Arthur, but I mostly listen bands PTV, SWS, BMTH, ATL, Green Day, MCR and I should probably stop now xD

Question 8: If you could marry anyone in the world whou would it be?

Hard question... I guess Oliver Sykes or Tayor Jardine? I can't decide I'm such a whore...

Question 9: What is your favourite school subject?


Question 10: Do you have any siblings?

brother and sister. I can give them for free if you want.

Question 11: What colour is your soul?

Probably black and rotten...

Question 12: Who is your OTP?

Jalex. Jack and Alex from ATL. I swear they're a copule in a closed! They were created for each other!

Question 13: If you could be any character from any book/movie which character would you be and why?

I would be Trice from Divergent cause I'm kinda like her. I always was trying everything and I never could choose one thing. I love so many things and I have so many faces... that I'm divergent. I just wish I could make a right decision in the end, like she did.

Uhh, that took me some time... I hope you didn't die of boredom. I have this impact on people :(

I tag:














You guys better anserw this questions:

1. What was the stupidest thing you said or did?
2. If you could visit any place on earth what place would it be and why?
3. What is your favourite song and why?
4. Do you have any pets?
5. Which one of decisions that you've made you regret most?
6. Do you play Pokemon Go? XD
7. Where are you from?
8. What is your favourite sport?
9. What was the best day of your life so far?
10. What's your favourite food?
11. What kind of music do you listen?
12. If you could live in any period of earth's history which one would you choose and why?
13. If you were a god what would it be for?

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