Chapter six

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Nolan's POV:

Normaly when you're going to start your first day in a new school in 20 minutes, the school is all you can think about. You're afraid that nobody will like you, that teachers will be fucking demons trying to eat your soul or that you'll simply get lost. I would be worried too if my mind wasn't already occupied.

I returned to yesterday's events one more time.

Everything was going good, like always untill I saw... Those green eyes. And their owner.

What happened to me? I didn't even think I was gay and suddeny I have a crush on some hot guy I've never met before?

I fucked up. It was really unprofessional to stop and stare like that. Leaving out the fact that he had to be scared or grossed out by some freak drooling over him, people cenrtainly saw me starring.

My mother saw me starring.

She saved me from further embarrassment by dropping her purse loudly to get me back on earth.

She luckily thought I saw some hot girl, but still was furious.

Anyway, I didn't trust myself to go back on the catwalk and stuck in the same point again or worse. Stumble. I said I feel sick and they had to let me go.

As I reached the school I tried to push away all of my thoughts and focus. I walked to reception.

"Hi I'm the new student Nolan Leto. Can I get my schedule?"

"Oh of course, here. If you need any help just ask someone." She looked like she just got out of her bed.


I somehow found my first class without a problem. And was a little late, but don't blame me. This school is gigantic.

"Good morning, I'm the new student Nolan Leto."

"Good Morning. You're new so I forgive you that you're late but only today. Now do you want to tell something about yourself?"

I looked on my new classmates's faces. Most of them apparently already recognised me cause they were looking at me in disbelief.

"Umm, not really"

"Fine, you can choose a seat." I heard some whispers as I walked. A few girls said my name and gestured to seat next to them. I decided to take a seat next to a blonde who sat there frozen for a moment.

"You're really you? You're Nolan?"

"Now when you're questionig it so much I'm starting to have doubts..."

"Oh sorry, I'm acting like a psycho fangirl again. I'm Cassey.

"Nice to meet you"

"I saw you yesterday at a fashion show!" Oh no. That's just great.

"Ohh, yeah it wasn't my day, sorry..."

"What? It wasn't so bad." She protested. She's such a sweet girl.

"Anyway, what are you doing in our school?"

"I'll be attending here for a couple months, I guess."

"It's cool! I can show you around."

"Thanks, it'll be awesome."

When the class ended, I kinda stucked. Girls were asking me so many questions and everyone offered me a help. It's been like that all day. Even some guys talked to me asking to seat with them at lunch. So when it was lunch time I was slowly walking in direction of cafeteria while texting Julie about my first day.

And I realized it was a mistake when I bumped into someone.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry I didn't..." I didn't finish this sentence cause the guy lifted up his head and I instantly recognized the face that moved to my dreams and wasn't living anytime soon, now for sure.

He was still holding my arm, even though I wasn't going to fall. He had big and strong hands. I felt safe. Wow, did I seriously think that? I don't know this dude!

"Your eyes are so amazing" My heart melted at this words. I almost said Yours are too, you're all amazing. Marry me? Thankfully I managed to bite my tounge before this words vomit came out. He just said he liked my eyes. They could remind him of his dead grandmother for all I know...

"So-sorry again. I I should go. I run to the cafeteria to avoid making a bigger fool of myself. I'm pathetic. And he remembers me. Oh god...

"Hey, Nolan! Here!" Cassey screamed so I went there, not having a choice.

"Come on, you're sitting with us. Those idiots are my friends. Meet Ashley, Nick, Dan, Jonas, Jane and my cute boyfriend Josh."

"Hey Everybody. I'm Nolan." Everyone said hello and they looked rather friendly and happy to have me there except Josh. He glared at me in a way that made feel like I slaughtered his kitten. Creepy.

"So how was your first day?" Jonas asked.

"It's good so far. People are pretty nice."

"Hey guys" The guy interrupted. And of course it was the guy from earlier, because from all of the students Cassey has to be friends with him.

"What took you so long ?" Cassey asked.

"I bumped into someone in the corridor." Oh oh

"And by someone you mean a hot girl who dropped all of her books, so you had to help her." Nick tried. The guy visibly blushed. Aww he looks so cute. Why was he blushing?


"Really?! Oh my god! Who was it? Do I know her?

"Okay! Stop! He'll tell us when he's ready. Now, Jayden meet Nolan. He's the model from yesterday."

"Nice to meet you" He shook my hand. Is it wrong I didn't want him to let me go? And that a small hanshake makes me feel so warm inside? I feel like I'm an actor in a cliché soap opera but my crush isn't interested in me.

"Nice to meet you too" I was grateful he didn't mention I was the person who rammed him like a bulldozer and run away like an idiot.

We talked some more. I learned that Josh and Jayden are co-captains of soccer school team which Jonas and Nick are part of too. They all seemed to be nice people.

This warm atmosphere created by them was natural. They didn't even knew it was there. But I did. I felt like I was welcomed somewhere for the first time in my life. Usually I'm more like a silent witness, or a ghost. Just observing everone from afar. I think I want to stay here after all...

What do you think? Please let me know and vote if you like it. Check out Awokens 's book Purple Places when you have a minute. It's great.

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