Chapter 10

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Hope you guys had good weeks so far😊
Let's go------------->

I placed the phone in my pocket shaking.

Cody looked up from his magazine and looked at my face expression before he rushed over grabbing my hand.

My hand.

Was it weird that I was only thinking about his warm hand on mine?

"Lexi..who called?What happened?"

I covered my mouth with my other hand and shook my head.

Cody stared at me

"Lexi you have to tell me what happened.I can't tell you if you don't tell me."

"I don't want you to get in this mess."I said tears in my eyes.

I hated feeling vulnerable especially in front of the boy I loved.

I wanted to be the strong one.

I wanted to solve this by myself.

I always hated girls who acted weak.

I was such a hypocrite.

"I don't care.I'll help you no matter what."

His grip tightened around my hand.

I looked up at him and gave him a stern nod.

"Thank you."

He gave me a small smile.

"Your welcome now tell me everything."

I bit my lip.

"Jeremy's mom is coming to kill me.I did something stupid and now I'm going to pay the consequences."

"What did you do?"he said.

I looked down at our intertwined hands.

"I opened a door that Jeremy told me constantly to not go in and it was open.I heard noises and I wanted to see what made it.I opened the door and it shut on me.And-"I chocked.

"And?"Cody said.

"And I saw his dads limbs cut up.He was alive but he had no arms or legs and was just sitting in a box covered with blood."

"That's terrible."

"His mother came in and I was about to get caught until his dad told turned his mom's attention to him and I ran.He saved my life.He died saving my life.Its all my fault! "

Cody shook his head.

"Lexi it wasn't your fault. You did nothing wrong."

I looked at him.

"We have to get back to Jeremy's house."

"Why?"Cody said annoyed.

"I need his help."

"The same guy that killed my girlfriend. Hell no.I have a friend that could help us."

"I need him Cody."I said.

"More than me."Cody grumbled looking away.

I sighed and grabbed his hand.

"Cody their is something wrong with my family.I know Jeremy has an explanation for all of this. I have to go see him.I'm not going to defend him for what he did to May.That was a shitty move on his own.If you help me..."

"We'll send him to jail."Cody said his eyes darkening.

My eyes widened.

I couldn't do that to Jeremy.

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