Chapter 12

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Previously on Seasons:
"Lexi?"Cody said.

I could've done it.

I could have done what I wanted in my dreams.

But I didn't.
"You slept with him didn't you?"

I glared at him.

"Do you really believe that I would do that?"I said looking at him.

He held my stare.

"Everyone changes".
"Jeremy's mom is coming to kill me.I did something stupid and now I'm going to pay the consequences."

"I opened a door that Jeremy told me constantly to not go in and it was open.I heard noises and I wanted to see what made it.I opened the door and it shut on me.And-".

"And I saw his dads limbs cut up.He was alive but he had no arms or legs and was just sitting in a box covered with blood."

"His mother came in and I was about to get caught until his dad told turned his mom's attention to him and I ran.He saved my life.He died saving my life.Its all my fault! "
"Yes....We'll send him to jail."I whispered.
I looked up and saw Jeremy changing in the backseat through the mirror.He looked at the mirror into my eyes.I blushed and turned away.
"What happened to your mom?"I whispered.

Jeremy looked me straight in the eye.

"She got tired of me and killed herself."
Jeremy sighed and caressed my cheek..

"You can't love someone if they don't love themselves."he whispered before closing his eyes.
I would never hurt him."I spoke softly.

Cody's mom glared at me and seconds later I was pushed against the railing with her arms around my neck.

"You already did slut with that boy."she said tighening her grip around my neck.
**                          **                           **
I keep on having dreams about people trying to kill me."
                         *********                                 I inhaled oxygen as her hands came off me.

What the hell do you think your doing?!"Jeremy yelled.

I looked up from the floor and saw Jeremy throwing Cody's mom on the ground.

"She's a whore that's why"she spat.

I curled up in a fetal position and cried.

Why didn't I die?
Why didn't I freaking die!?

I should be dead.

Among Jeremy's yelling and punching I heard another voice.


I looked up to see Cody with his eyes wide.He was staring at Jeremy who held his mother by her collar.

"Get off her!"he yelled pushing Jeremy off her.

Jeremy clenched his hands.

Cody looked at his mother with sadness.

"What happened?"

Cody's mom licked her lips and looked at me.I thought she was going to tell the truth.I thought she was going to still be the mother I never had.

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