Chapter 11

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"My mom's ring."I whispered.

Jeremy grabbed the note.

"Your mom?She did this!?"Jeremy yelled as the rain continued to fall.

I shook my head.

No she wouldn't.

Jeremy threw the note on the ground and held me tightening his grip on my shoulders.

"She did!"He yelled in my face.

Tears streamed down my face.

I was losing it again.

"Hey Lexi didn't do this!"Cody said pushing Jeremy off me.

Jeremy gave him a look.

"That was my childhood destroyed. That was the only family I had."

"You have a mom!"

"She's not my mom!I'm adopted.She's my aunt."

Jeremy's eyes were glistening.

"What happened to your mom?"I whispered.

Jeremy looked me straight in the eye.

"She got tired of me and killed herself."

I froze.

Jeremy threw his hands up in the air.

"Yes my own mom killed herself because I was too much for her!"he yelled into the air.

I stood up and before Jeremy or Cody can do anything I grabbed his hand.

He froze and looked at our hands intertwined.

Cody looked at our hands.

"I'm your family now."I said.

Jeremy looked at me and gripped his hand tighter around mine.

"I can't.Lexi I can't have no one.Do you see what happened? Your family is messed up!....No offense."

I nodded and dropped his hand.

I picked up the ring and placed it on my ring finger.
It fitted perfectly.

"What do we do now?"Cody asked sitting on a large chunk of wood.

"We find my mother."I said.
                *       *        *
"Thank you."I say to Cody's mom.

I still could remember her amazing cooking skills.

I stirred the chicken soup.

Jeremy sat down next to me on the fluffly rug and placed a blanket around me.

"Your shaking."he commented.

I shook my head.

"I'm just thinking of my mom."

"You need rest.Cody's mom agreed to let us stay for a few days."

I bit my lip.

"I know.What about your aunt?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"She was dead to me anyway.She can't find you Lexi.I'll never let her find you."he said.

I looked into his sad grey eyes.

He c-cared.

My heart started racing and I found myself moving closer to him and him to me and............................we both froze.

I let out a shaky breath.

"Why...why won't you kiss me?"I asked my mouth still incredibly close to his.

Jeremy sighed and caressed my cheek..

"You can't love someone if they don't love themselves."he whispered before closing his eyes.

He smiled at me and moved away laying his head on the pillow on the rug.

He looked lost in thought.

He looked like he wanted to say more.

My eyes went wide.

Does that mean Jeremy doesn't love himself?

*                 *                  *
Its midnight and I can't sleep.I looked across from Jeremy who was still on the rug next to me.I felt the urge to wake him up.To talk to him about how we are actually going to find my mom.

I walked toward the back porch and noticed Cody's mom there.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought-"

"No!Come outside Lexi.Its not a problem."she said.

I slipped outside.

Cody's mom lighted her cigarette.

I placed my hands on the balcony feeling the wind through my hair.

I felt free.

"Do you love him?"


"The dark haired boy.Do you love him?"she asked staring at the bright moon.

I've always thought of Cody's mom as a mother figure since my mom was never home.How she always took care of me and knew me inside and out.I told her everything about what happened before she found three wet teens at her doorstep.Everything except Cody and I hit a person.Some things should always be a secret.

"I...dont know"I confessed.

"Then do  you love my son?"

"I dont know either."

She nodded and sighed.

"Cody loves you... you know"

My eyes widened.

She leaned against the railing exhaling out smoke.

"I see the way he looked at you when you were little.He still looks at you that way.I hated it because I didnt want  him get hurt you know?"

"I would never hurt him."I spoke softly.

Cody's mom glared at me and seconds later I was pushed against the railing with her arms around my neck.

"You already did slut with that boy."she said tighening her grip around my neck.

"Please...I cant breath.."I whispered trying to pull her hands off me.

How could she do this to me?I always felt safe with her.

I have nowhere thats safe for me.

The last thing I saw was Cody's mom smirking at me until I blacked out.


Sorry for the longest update ever.SCHOOL is practically took over my life.My phones broken and now I have to be at the library to do my homework :(((((((

SO BEAR WITH ME!!:))))))

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