Chapter 2

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The next morning, I sat up. I had read a few weeks ago in Hogwarts, a History, that the Head Girl and Boy dorms automatically Transfigured into what the inhabitant wanted it to look like.

My room was absolutly goregous. There were bookshelves on every wall. A plush window seat looked like the perfect spot to spend reading and looking out onto the grounds, and a vase of flowers sat on the large windowsill. I was sleeping on a comfortable and elegant bed with various animals carved in to the wooden side. Another shelf was cut out of the foot. There was a wooden desk with a plush chair at it. The wallpaper was white with brown and turquoise stripes. A fuzzy turquoise rug sat beneath my feet. 

I glanced at the wall clock. 8:14. It was breakfast. 

I slipped out of bed and pulled on the modern Hogwarts uniform, a black skirt and white button-up shirt with a gray sweater with my house colors and emblem stitched near the top (robes weren't nessasary, and I only wore one whem it got chilly). I put on shoes and socks, and exited my room. 

Scorpious' door was closed, so I assumed he hadn't gotten up yet or was already downstairs. Why am I keeping tabs on this boy? I queried as I left the common room and made my way down to the Great Hall.

I glanced at Slytherin table as I sat down at Ravenclaw house table. Scorpious was sitting at there, chatting loudly with my cousin Albus.

"How's the day been treating you, Rosie?" Asked my best friend Alice Longbottom as I swivelled to face the Ravenclaw table.

I shrugged. "Terrible, but hey, I'm Head Girl, so whatever." I said, all nocholant.

"Just rub it in, will you?" said Alice's brother Frank, punching me gently in the shoulder.Even though Frank was a Gryffindor, he sat at the Ravenclaw table. We all laughed.

"How are you guys doing?" I questioned as I reached for the platter of eggs.

"I'm alright," said Alice and my cousin Lucy at the same time. They were both Ravenclaw students.

"I'm going to say hello to Al," I said, gesturing to Slytherin table. Al was a Slytherin. The other people around me nodded.

I walked to Slytherin table. I found a head of silvery-blonde hair amongst the crowd. That could only be Albus' best friend (and my new roommate) Scorpious Malfoy. Al always sat next to him.

"Hello, Al!" I said, rubbing his head from behind. He jumped, surprised. His fellow Slytherin's laughed. "Scorpious," I nodded to acknowledge him. "Other Slytherin's."

"Rose! You scared me," Al punched me in the shoulder.

"I only came to see what my favorite cousin is up to," I said.

"Nothing, really," I arched my brow, but walked away.

I could hear the Slytherin's making fun of Al, but I knew they were just having lighthearted fun.

I slid in to the bench I had been sitting at. Lucy had left to say good morning to her older sister Molly, who was in Hufflepuff.

Since it was the weekend, most students went outside. It was beautiful, what with the leaves falling and all. After I had finished breakfast, we all headed out. After we had been outside for a while, I made it back up to the dorm to put everything up. 

It was looking like a good day.

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