Chapter 6

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After gathering my things from the rooms, I headed out to the courtyard to study on the lawn. On theway, I ran into my cousin Roxanne and Alice, and we all headed out to read our Transfiguration notes and enjoy the sunshine.

After we had finished reading the assigned pages, we lazed on the lawn, chatting. A shout drew the three of us from the ground. Some Slytherin and Hufflepuff students were playing around with a Bludger, batting it back and forth, while being watched by the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Among them was Albus and Scorpious. Me and Alice watched the boys play, while Roxanne quickly grew bored and layed back down. After a few minutes, she noticed neither me nor Alice had moved, and a grin spread across her face.

Sitting up Roxanne began to mock us. "Oh, my. Look at those handsome boys go! I could just eat them right up!" Roxanne laughed as I hid my head behind my book and Alice sassily said "Bite me."

"So, who do we like?" asked Roxanne, leaning in to my ear. "Shut up!" I mummbled, my eyes following Scorpious.

"Hmmm. Is it Albus?" Roxanne queried.

I looked up, shocked. "That's basically incest!" I cried. I noticed Alice blush and look away.

"All right, all right! Chill! Hmmmm." Roxanne followed my gaze. "Oh!" She sat up straight, grinning. "So we like the mysterious Slytherin! The Malfoy boy!"

"Shut! Up!" I cried, smacking her with the book. Her screams of surprise drew most of the boys' eyes to us. Alice ducked behind a tree to avoid their gaze. A blush flew across my cheeks. The Bludger zoomed for Albus' face. The boys yelled, and Al managed to duck just before being smacked with the ball.

"What's your problem, Roxanne?!" I whisper-yelled as she laughed. Suddenly, an evil glint sparkled in her eyes, and she scooted around the tree.

"So who do we like?" she teased Alice. I sighed, laying back. It had been a nice day.

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