Chapter 8

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The words were out my mouth before I could fully comprehend what they meaned.

"What!" Alice shreiked, standing up.

"Shut up!" I mumbled, pulling her down. "Someone's going to see or here us."

"Rose! I- I just can't comprehend this," said Alice. "This is too insane. Just... whoa. Let's get a grip on the situation" She held my shoulders. " YOU- Rose Weasley- let me say that again- ROSE WEASLEY- like a Malfoy of all people. Your dad's going to kill you. Wait- you only like him as a freind, right? Nothing more?" Her eyes were wide.

"I don't know!" I said. "For the past few days, he's been nothing but kind to me. And we keep having these super fluffy moments and my heart beats fast and I start blushing and he always freaks out 'cause he thinks something is wrong with me and that's how you act when you like someone, right? I'm not confusing my feelings for hate or something, right? Right?" Both of us looked like madwomen.

"So you do like him in a romantic way?" Alice asked.

"I think so." I bit my lip as I talked.

Alice gripped my shoulders. "Then tell him."

"What?" I said.

"I said just tell him." she rolled her eyes.

"Are you insane?" I whisper-yelled. "I'm going to look like an idiot."

"Hey," she yawned. "I'm not your love consultent. The best that could happen is that he admits his love and you two live happily ever after, and the worst is that you'll have to move back in to Ravenclaw dorm  with me to avoid the awkwardness." She winked. "Both are fine by me."

"Hmmm?" I said with a smirk. Then why don't you tell Albus that you loooooooooove him."

She stared at me in complete shock. A furious look covered her face. "Why you!"

And we ran off in to the morning light.

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