Chapter 5

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I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, resting on a fairly firm surface. Someone's chest? I wondered in my sleep filled mind.

A blanket was laid over my legs. I pulled it back up over my chest. A Slytherin blanket. My mind entertained the thought for a fraction of a second, then I drifted back in to sleep.

When I woke up next, I wasn't leaning on a person anymore. Instead, my head was layed on a soft surface. Instead of the dark room I had been in last night, the room was filled with bright midday light. The fire had died down completely, and I was still draped in that Slytherin blanket.

My now awake mind quickly calculated that this had to be Scorpious' blanket, which meant that I really had fallen asleep next to him last night. I sat straight up, the blanket falling off of my chest. A blush creeped up my neck.

"Oh, you're awake!" I heard a call from the entrance to our common room. My head swivelled twoards the door. "Good morning," Said Scorpious. "I've got breakfast."

"Good morning," I whispered. My face got even hotter as I remembered what he had said to me yesterday, about me looking good in the concert shirt.

"Your face is red." A worried expresion crossed Scorpious' face. "Do you need me to take you to the infirmary?"

At that, my face reddened even more. The worried creases in Scorpious' handsome face deepened. I burried my head in to a pillow. Handsome! Really now Rose, get ahold of yourself! Though he is handsome... Shut up Rose!

I heard a gentle click on the table, a clink, and then I felt a firm hand on my back. "Ummm... Rose? Are you alright?" I internally shreiked. He called you by your first name! And he touched you! You think he likes you? Come on Rose! Don't give in to the temptations... Come on!

I abruptly turned around, causing Scorpious' hand to shift slightly, then touch me again... on the chest. A blush crept up his face, and I could fell my face going as red as my hair. A wave of dirty thoughts ran through my head. Stop Rose! What'll Dad do if he hears about this? Sorpious hand quickly retracted, and I shifted backwards on the couch. We were both embarrassed messes.

"Sorry," Scorpious said quickly.

"It was an accident, so no problem," I mumbled in reply. The room fell silent, until Scorpious spoke up.

"Ummm... Let's try not to make this anymore awkward," he said, and sat next to me. "Here, have breakfast. I brought it up because I figured you'd be studying."

Scorpious buttered himself a peice of bread, then handed me a plate of food. We ate in a depressingly awkward scilence, and the red blush on our cheeks soon faded.

When we had finished our food and brought it down to the kitchens to be washed, we parted ways, with Scorpious heading to the Slytherin common room to find Albus, and me going to the Head tower to retrive some books so I could study on the lawn.

As I walked back to our rooms, my face flooded in blush again. Why was this boy affecting me in this way?

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