Chapter 9

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"Hello?" I whispered quietly as I stepped in to Scorpious' room. He was sitting on his bed, a set of reading glasses pushed up on his  nose and an open book on his lap.

"Hey, Rose!" He gave me a bright smile.

"May I," I pointed at the edge of his bed. He patted it, signaling that I could come over. I sat gently on the edge of his bed, and he removed the glasses.

"What's up?" He smiled again.

"I... um... I just... uh... er... I wanted to... um," I stuttered. This had seemed so easy when I had first thought about this. Then he touched me.

Scorpious' warm hand closed around my own. I blushed furiously.

"You all right, Rose?" he said softly.

"Ummm! I'm fine!" I said a little too loudly as I gently scratched at my neck. I looked into his eyes. "Scorpious, I-"

His lips closed around mine.

My eyes widened. Was this for real? I blushed harder. Everything was going so fast that I didn't know what to do. He pulled me farther in to the kiss. I could tell that this wasn't some sort of spur of the moment type thing. This was real.

So I kissed him back.

When we finally pulled apart, he gave me one of his bright smiles. I smiled back.

"I love you, Scorpious," I whispered.

"I love you too, Rose."


I woke up the next morning curled up by Scorpious, my head buried deep in his chest. My eyes widened as I  remembered last night. I jumped off of the bed.

"Nope. Noooooooo, no no no no no no no. That did NOT just happen. Of course not. It happened last night. Hahaha. Uh uh. No. Haaaaa... no," I chanted as I paced around the room. Scorpious sat up.

"What's wrong?" he said. I belly flopped on to his bed.

"Oh, I don't know, I totally didn't go from heaven to hell in five seconds flat." My words were muffled in the sheets.

Scorpious' hands slid under my arms, and he lifted me up, setting me down beside him. He gently shook me by my shoulders. "What's wrong Rose," He said firmly. "Tell me."

I collapsed in his arms. "My family will kill me."

"I don't think so," He said. "Your cousin Albus is one of my best freinds. I'm going to Christmas dinner with him. My father says it's alright. There's no better time to tell your dad and mum about this than then."

"But what is this?" I said, looking up. "I know confessions of love were passed around, but is this relatioship even real? Is this some sort of 'freinds with benifits' thing or is it real?"

"It's whatever you wat it to be, Rose," He gently kissed my head. "My feelings for you won't change, even if you reject me."

"All right. Christmas then," I said.

"Christmas," Scorpious whispered back.


I'm sorry that was so incredibly late! Work around the house and at school has been piling up. Hopefully I'll be putting up the last few chapters of this story soon, and then finish working on my other books.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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