juvia broken heart

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As Erza , natsu , Lucy and gray came walking back into the guild from a long and tiring  mission, like knights in shining amour Comming back from a well deserved victory, Juvia came running towards Gray with open arms.

Juvia P.O.V

Oh my ice prince has arrived. Juvia ran up to Gray-sama with big arms so juvia could hug  Gray-sama and never let go... but Gray-sama pushed Juvia away. Juvia's heart hurtted juvia a lot. But Juvia's use to it. Gray-sama looked at me once before he carried on walking with everyone. Juvia wanted to cry but somehow couldn't let Gray-sama  see me like that so juvia held it in and hide it with a smile.

Gray P.O.V

I walked through our guild doors.
"Those water freaks dint know what was Comming ahahaha" natsu said as he tried to act like the cool kid he wasn't. Everyone else just played along with him, well, when I mean everyone I don't include my self ahaha...
"Gray-sama !!!" I turned around to only find Juvia running towards me.
"Here come the daily routine.." I said.
I wasn't gonna let her get me angry so I just pushed her away and carried on walking. Even though it something I do all the time... I've started feeling guilty recently. Oh well ahaha.

Normal  P.O.V

Whilst Gray and the others bragged about their glory of the battle, Juvia,mirajane and cana wondered through the market trying to find some dresses, food , drink e.c.t for the victory party. As they carried on walking the subject of Gray somehow appeared.
"Sooo are you going to dress up nice for Gray ??" Smiled cana

"Ahaha" laughed juvia whilst blushing at the same time , "of corse juvia is ".

(At the victory party )

As everyone entered the great Hall music was played at full blast. Erza wore a long flowing red dress which had a low cut V neck. Followed by by Lucy who wore similar but in a golden pink colour and Juvia who had yet again the same dress but in the colour dark blue. Many stopped and gazes upon them ( including natsu ).

Juvia's P.O.V

Juvia was stunned by her dress and really hoped that Gray-sama notices.*blushes*. Juvia Stepps into the big hall behind Erza and Lucy. Juvia was upset to not see Gray-sama straight away but juvia won't give up. Many of the guest were looking at juvia and that made juvia feel shy. But wait ... that's Gray-sama... Juvia smiled and began running towards him Untill Erza started talking to him and juvia's name was mentioned. So juvia hid behind the wall to listen *oh no is this another love rival*

Normal P.O.V

Juvia hid behind the wall - the wall that would reveal more than she had expected. The moon hung like a chandelier in the midnight sky as the start lit up the city below,
"Well... what do u think of juvia " asked Erza as she stood there patiently...

"To be honest I don't know .. she's annoying and overly obsessed ..."

Before he could say anymore the sound of shattered glass emerged from behind the wall.... they both cautiously checked to find nothing but a broken red vase...

Juvia walked slowly towards Lucy and natsu... the tears in her eyes chained back and the emotions were locked up...
"Oh hey juvia ... you don't look so well are you okay ?" Lucy was concerned as she then looked at natsu

"O-oh yeh juvia is feeling a bit sick now juvia is gonna go home... juvia will see you tomorrow bye"

She then proceeded to walk towards the door and it was then the chains broke and she ran .... warm waterfalls emerged  down her cheaks and her voice vanished in the howling wind ... she ran and ran Untill she collapsed to a near by lamppost.. that was cold and isolated. She clenched on to her chest as she thought  the more she fell in love the more she was being hated... the more she ran towards him the further away she was... it was then she had realised that it was pointless ... if she stopped loving Gray-sama would the pain go away ? As many thought ran around her head she crashed to her broken point. Her tears vanished and so was her love for Gray sama. Almost but not entirely.

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