next step

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The next day

The night slowly disappeared as the pale blue canvas of the sky approached. The doors to the guild slowly opened to reveal juvia in a quiet and depressed state. Her  ocean like eyes  became dead. She dazed  into the guild.
" Hey juvia , come here " shouted Lucy

Surprised by the sudden noise she stood still ;she wanted to run away but found her self paralysed  . The trance was soon broken as she found herself walking towards Lucy , it was then she  notice natsu and gray sama sitting down  besides her.
"You don't look so good juvia  are you okay ?? " said Lucy.

"of course she is luce it's juvia ahaha," said natsu as he wrapped his hands behind his head.
A painful smile was carved into  juvia face; a hideous mask that would torture and disguise  her feelings against her will.

She sat down next to natsu without saying a word (which was of corse extremely different compared to the mornings where she could not last a second without speaking or touching Gray-sama)...

An Akward silence  separated the mood as neither of them didn't know what to say or do.

"Sooo how did you guys enjoy the party... I had a blast ?" Smiled natsu as he was desperate to distinguish (ironic I know)  the current mood.

"Yes I believe it was enjoyable .. It was a good break from all the missions I've had with that cinder-faced jerk  " added gray sama as he and natsu shot piercing bullets through each other's eyes.

"Hey don't start again you two , I agree it was a great party Untill you ,natsu, threw that vase over Grays head... ugh you two can't last a second without arguing" snapped Lucy.

Juvia snickered under her breather which was some how scary as  she was not her normal self ...

"So what about you juvia you didn't seem too good last night " asked Lucy  .

She lifted her head and spoke ever so lightly , " yes juvia was feeling a little uneasy .. but juvia is okay now" she finished the sentence with a somewhat disturbing smile that Lucy,natsu and even gray could not understand.
And with that she left the table and headed to the request bored

Juvia P.O.V

The night seemed to be a haunting nightmare on repeat. The sounds of the never ending droplets of tears wich ran down juvias face, and the continues fracture in juvia heart.

Juvia woke up to a massive headache... it could be because juvia spent all night throwing away gray sama bears and stuff. Hmmm juvia was stupid indeed to think she had any chance with Gray sama. 

During the conversation at the table

Ahhh... the guild seems to be more dim and dull then it used to be. And even though juvia is surrounded by her close friends , juvia doesn't think she is apart of this conversation but more like a tag along... juvia really need to be independent doesn't she  .. there is only one way for juvia to be happy and that is to forget about gray sama right? It doesn't even cross gray sama mind that im sitting opposite him and in such a state ;well when has he ever. Juvia felt a sharp pain again in her chest ... yeh .. juvia can't  be here any more . Juvia was not comfortable with such feeling pressuring against herself so juvia ended up  leaving the table without a word , it didn't seem to bother Lucy,natsu or gray sama much as they carried on talking. Juvia kept thinking of  differnet  ways she could warm up the coldness in her heart. And it was then juvia  found herself staring at the request bored ...

is it okay for juvia  to be by herself ... before juvia  was in fairy tale juvia  was alone .. it's better that way isn't it... or what if Juvia  was to find some one better than gray ...  no juvia can't it's impossi-... no I don't need anyone anymore.

Grays True Feelings  (Gray X Juvia)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora