good bye

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The floor trembled, the walls broke and the tears smashed into little sapphires onto the wooden floor.

" kai... W-Why are you doing this, you were so kind to us  ?" Juvia said as she tried to walk up to him in concern. Before she could get any closer Kai looked up, staring deep within juvia eyes. Paralysed; unable to move back into the safety of Grays arms.

"Heh oh juvia juvia , you really thought my brother would be into you ? If anything he hated you, and hated me... he stopped us juvia , he stopped us  from happening" a malicious smile was carved into Kai face. He walked closer to juvia, Karin failed in the attempt to hold him back and was slammed into the floor and chained down by the broken fragments.

Before kai could touch juvia face his hands froze. In only the few  seconds he was staring as his blue hands that were chained together by an icy  capsule, Gray was able to pull juvia back into his arms, clutching her close to his chest as his eyes periced through the atmosphere and struck kai's.


Everyone looked to the  man at the back, they all looked over to Nathan who was laughing hysterically.

" yes I hate you kai but I don't hate juvia... you always think you're the victim when you're the one at fault.  isn't that why you sent me away to take over your dirty deeds whilst you stayed acting like a snake and manipulated many so they could feel sorry for your pettiness  , even after me agreeing to it so you wouldn't hurt juvia .... here we are now"

Nathan stoped laughing as the edge of his lips tug upwards. "Father never loved you... So it was surprising to all of us why it was  you who  was chosen to be the master  of the great mansi-"

The sound of bones crackling  silenced the room; the only sound being the groans that had escaped Nathan's mouth. Coughs of blood tainted the floor  as Nathan doubled over from the kick  that crashed into his abdomen.

" oh now now , don't get ahead of your self dear brother. Didn't I say that I would tell eveyone the truth ? When I'm done, you can add a few last words okay? " kai said as he tamed back his unruly hair.

As Kai closed his eye and took in a long breath , juvia and Gray were scanning a way out, which proved to be pointless as they were surrounded by nothing but an everlasting abyss of wreckage that danced around them, almost laughing and mocking them.

"Juvia??" Gray said as he was moved out the way... her face was not visible as her long flowing hair shield her eyes yet the glistening streams that ran down her cheek were clearly seen. Juvia turned to the monstrous twister that ran around them. Gathering all the engery she could muster , shards of shimmering silver slowly ascended and continuously slashed the fragments of the tornadoe.  The malicious laughter echoed around juvia as her efforts to be free proved unlikely as the fragments that would break off the twisting nightmare would just collect itself back into where it had fallen out from. Karin crouched down and covered her ears from whatever was happening and tuned out to when her and her brother was happy, to when the sun always followed and the night would never come, to when she was at her happiest. The memories however did not last as the scream of Gray broke Karin out of her little bubble.

" juvia you can stop now, I'm here,I will protect you, please... just stop"  juvia had collapsed into Grays arms and Kai just stood and watched.

The floor moved, pulling juvia away from Gray.

"You ba****d give her b-b-ack" before Gray could run, fight or even use his powers his legs twisted and twisted untill broken shards of his bones were piercing through his skin. Gray held both of his hands in a fist as he banged against the floor , he grit his teeth as blood gushed out his leg which was almost unrecognisable of that of a human..

Grays True Feelings  (Gray X Juvia)Where stories live. Discover now