Chapter 1

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It has always been my dream to one day finally join fairy tail, I just never have the courage to walk in and ask. I don't even know if that's how you join a magic guild, maybe I have to apply? Ether way, today is the day I will ask. Well... I've said that a lot recently, once I get to the guild entrance I don't have enough courage to go in. What if they don't let me join? What if they don't like me? Despite my worries Ella (shes an exceed and my best friend) assures me it'll be fine, despite the fact that she's just as nervous.

I was so lost in thought as Ella and I strolled through Magnolias main park, that I bumped in to someone.
"Watch where your going blondie!" He snarled at me, and the group of people he was with sneered at me,
"S-sorry" I quickly respond not wanting to cause trouble, but cant help muttering under my breath "My hear isn't blond, it's pale brown."
"What was that you said?!" He raised his voice at me, making me jump. I didn't expecting to actually hear that. "You trying to start a fight?" He Continued raising his voice louder, then requiped a large, golden sward and pointed it in my direction, seeing my shock he grins.
"N-no." This was just great, I have already caused a fight and it isn't even 12 o'clock yet. This was the last thing I wanted to happen.
His friend who was stood to his left sniggered, "I think she is!"
"Saki..." Ella tugged on my arm anxiously, I return her anxious gaze. We were completely outnumbered and surrounded.

"What's the matter little cat, scared?" The man with the sward grinned. He then started to swing the sword towards me, I dodged the attack with ease. Judging by the way he swung his sword, he was quite inexperienced and slow, but still strong. Then, I instinctively shouted "Ice dragon raw!" He was too slow to react and his sward flew out of his hand and got lodged in a tree. (I didn't  aim for him, I was just trying to disarm him.)
"W-what?" He stuttered as his friends got ready to attack and tightened their circle.

"Hey, that's not a fair fight" A voice in the distance shouted. I turn around to see a girl around my age with blue hair and bright chestnut eyes with a white ex seed standing beside her. Both of them had there arms crossed in a disapprovingly way.
"Are you really going to pick a fight with two girls against all of you?" The exceed added in a stern voice.
The group rolled there eyes and began to walk off, the sword (still stuck in the tree) disappeared."Your to week to bother with anyway." The ring leader called glaring at us.

"Thanks, not sure I could take on all of them!" I said to the girl walking up to her "I'm Saki and this is Ella."
"Don't worry about it, I'm Wendy and this is Carla." She reply's gestured towards the exceed and smiling warmly,
"They pick fights with people over the smallest thing." Carla informed us, whilst glaring at them strolling away, "They're really petty!"
"So are you in a guild then, your dragon slayer right?" Wendy enquired, whilst looking for a guild mark.
"Nope, I'm not in a guild yet, but yeah I'm a dragon slayer." I answer
"We want to join fairy tail, but we're too shy to ask." Ella blurts, holding on to my leg.
Wendy smiled and lifted her sleeve to reveal a sky blue guild mark. "If you want to join Carla and I can help."
"R-really?" Ella and I gasp, staring at the guild mark in awe.
"Sure." Carla smiled, you seem friendly enough.
"Yay!" Ella exclaimed, forgetting about her shyness for a second.
"Come on then let's head to the guild." Wendy beamed, "Everyone there is so friendly, you will fit right in." Ella and I then follow them without question, too shocked to say anything.

Is this really happening? I thought to myself as I stared at the guild entrance.
"What if we're not aloud to join the guild?" A voice in my head whispers nervously. Ella and I are trying to learn telepathy, it would help us a lot in battle if we could use it perfectly. It was Ella's idea to learn it and after a fight where we were unable to talk out loud we both agreed this would be useful.
"I don't know, we'll figure out something," I replied trying to hide the fact that I was just as nervous as she was and gave her a reassuring smile, before following Wendy and Carla into the guild. We were treated by the strong smell of alcohol and a chair being thrown at the door followed by shouting. Wendy dodges the chair, unfazed as if this was a normal.

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