Going Home

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Hinata's Pov

On my long journey back home I realized I had forgot my phone in my locker so I turned around and sprinted back to the school. Anyone else would have went back to get their phone right?

I looked around to see if anyone else was there but they had all gone home. So I walked to my locker grabbed my phone and started dialing my mother. "Hi mom, sorry Im going to be late I had to go back to the school and get my phone."
"Okay just hurry home or your food is going to get cold!" her words were stern yet they were also very caring at the same time.
As I was going home I heard foot steps. The thing is I wouldn't have cared but they weren't my footsteps. So I started walking a little faster. I turned around to see nobody was there so I called out."Kageyama, is that you?" there was no answer. So I called put again, "Hello? Is someone there?" once again there was no answer. I slowed down and tried to calm myself. "Its just my imagination," I quietly told myself. I was near the foothill store and saw that the light was still on meaning Coach Ukai hadn't gone home yet. That day at practice I was told that I was horrible at receiving by the coach I already knew I was horrible but it still hurt to hear. As I started walking to the store I heard the footsteps again. Picking up my pace as I entered the store scared and out of breath, Coach Ukai was sitting there staring at me with curiosity. "What has you so worked up?" he questioned. I told him what had happened and why I was out so late and that I thought I was being followed by someone. "Hinata you're tired go home and get some rest."
"Okay, but I didn't come here to tell you about my problems, I want to know if there is a better way to learn how to receive!" I spoke loud as if to show him how intent I was. He looked up at me in shock.
"You know there is no better way than to practice Hinata. You should know this better than anyone that you need experience and lots of practice."
"But I don't have those things and I wont get them by not having anyone to practice with!"
"What do you mean? You have the whole team to practice with?"
"They've been distancing themselves from me and I don't know why. I asked Kageyama to practice with me, and he ignored me."
"We can talk about team work tomorrow. Everyone already knows that teamwork is essential to winning in volleyball."
I stood there in frustration as he talked to me about teamwork as if I didn't already know that teamwork was essential to winning. I ran. I ran out of the store with an aching pain in my heart. No one understood me. They didn't know what it was like to be short, or not have any talent, everyone on the team had some amazing talent that would help the team win. I however didn't. Im not tall, Im short. Im not strong, Im weak. I cant score unless I have Kageyama or Suga-san to set the ball to me and that's on if they send the ball my way, there are plenty other people on or team that can spike better than me.
I stopped running only to hear someone running after me. I didn't turn around until they reached me. As I turned to look something was placed over my mouth and nose and then everything went blank.

At Home

Hinata's mother was beginning to get more worried than she already was and Natsu (Hinata's little sister) could tell that her mother was growing restless. Mrs.Hinata called someone. It was Mrs.Kageyama. As they spoke Mrs.Hinata had told Mrs.Kageyama that Hinata was at the school to get his phone because he forgot it. Mrs.Kageyama said that she would said kageyama to go and get Hinata and was thanked by Hinata's gleeful mother.

Kageyama's Pov

I was in my room, sitting on my bed, thinking. You may think this was normal for a high school boy to be in his room thinking but it wasn't, not for me. I only thought about volleyball. But this time it was something different than volleyball. Though it still had something to do with it. I was thinking about Hinata, and why we decided to ignore him. Yesterday after practice when Hinata left, we all decided that Hinata was useless to the team was only useful as a decoy a person whose position would be found out quickly. We decided that maybe by ignoring him and not tossing to him he would quit and we were waiting. Waiting for the useless boy to give up, as we had on him. There was a knock on my door which had released my from my trance. "Kageyama?" it was my mother, her voice sounded concerned. I don't think anything had happened to me or that I made any loud noises so it concerned me to.
"Kageyama, your friend's mother just called to ask if you possibly knew where he was or if he was staying at a friends house because he hasn't come home and hasn't called his mother about his whereabouts."
Friend? What friend the only people he really knew were from the team. They all had his number and their parents had his mother's number.
"Who are you talking about?"
"Mrs.Hinata called about her son. Did you and the team do something to him?"
"No, yes, no."
"Well which one is it and by the sound of it I already know the answer so tell my Kageyama, what did you and the rest of the team do to him?"
"We didn't do anything bad we only ignored him for not being useful on the team, I don't know where he is and he certainly wouldn't be at a friends house if he doesn't have any friends." I almost laughed. It was true the boy had thought he had friends and talked to everyone in the school but he didn't know that they were only being nice to him so they wouldn't hurt the orange-headed kid. I regretted thinking that to myself immediately. I now knew why I was thinking about the team's decision. It was because I felt bad.
I called the rest of the team and told them Hinata was missing there was very little shock in their voices but they decided to help me look for him. I told them where his mom said he was and why he was there. We decided to meet up at the school.

Boke Hinata (Kagehina)Where stories live. Discover now