The Sun Set

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I know your thinking oh gosh the title means that Hinata is going to die but not yet. Thanks everyone for reading my stories sorry for the spelling errors. Hope you like my stories

Hinata's Pov

He hit me. I fell on to the ground. I felt something come out of my nose. Blood. He sat me up and leaned my against the wall. He then took a syringe and poked me with it. My body felt heavy. I was now unable to move. Even if he did untie me I was going no where. I'm scared. Why hasn't someone found me. Why hasn't anyone called my phone. Then I noticed I didn't have my phone in my pocket. I'm crying. Or at least I think I am hot streams of water trickled down my cheeks and dropped to the cement floor. I was in a basement or in a warehouse. I have no idea where I am. All I know is that I want to get out of here.

He picks up a knife. It doesn't look very sharp. But then I feel it slicing my arm. Its very sharp. "How does that feel? Do you like pain?" he questions me. He looks happy that he's cutting my skin. I scream. I'm screaming in his face. "GO TO HELL!" I scream at him. He looks shocked but then goes back to being happy as he cuts my arms more. I scream louder that I ever have. It makes my throat sore. He unties my hands and my feet and my body slumps to the floor as he laughs loudly. I scream at him. My arms hurt and my throat is sore. I still cant move unless he moves me. I don't know what he injected me with but it took away my freedom. He sits me up only to slap me knocking me back down. More blood is coming out of my nose and now my mouth. He's torturing me. He lifts me back up. He grabs my leg and cuts deep in my thigh. I scream. I keep screaming. It hurts so much. It hurts. He slashes my thigh again and there's blood lots of it. I scream. Its the only thing I can do. He gets irritated with me and hits me again harder this time. I manage a few words "s-s-stop p-please." but that makes him even more mad. He is no longer laughing at me. But he's got a mad look on his face telling me that I'm going to get more pain. He walks over to the knives and picks one up. He looks at me and I tense up. I cant move. I'm screaming and crying telling him to stop he doesn't listen to me. I'm more scared than the time I hit Kageyama in the back of the head with a volleyball. I'm more scared than when my dad died and my family didn't have enough money to pay for food. I'm more scared than I've ever been in my whole 16 years of life. He gets closer to me. He lifts my shirt. He takes his knife and runs it over my stomach and pushes. The knife is cutting my stomach and I cant move. Blood comes out. Blood comes out from my stomach and my mouth as I scream. A wave of panic and terror wash over me. I'm crying. I'm screaming at him and telling him to stop but he doesn't. It hurts. He repeatedly cuts into my stomach making me light headed from screaming so much. I pass out.

Kageyama's Pov

Damn. Where is Hinata??? We called the cops but they wont do anything until a certain amount of time. Its up to the team now. A wave of panic washes over everyone when Hinata's phone rings again. Its Hinata's mother.

I answer the phone.

"Hello! Hinata? Are you all right? Where are you?" Hinata's mother spoke fast and had concern and panic in her voice.

"Hello? This is Kageyama. The team and I are still looking for Hinata. We found his phone, nothing else. I'm sorry ma'am"

"Oh.... My baby... He's gone...." Hinata's mother started crying even more than she already was. There was another voice. A little girl.

"If you don't mind me asking does there happen to be a child with you?"

"Yes her name is Natsu. She's my daughter."

"H-how old is she?"

"She's 6. Why do you need to know?"

I hung up. I was horrified as the team looked me. Asked me why I wanted to know if there was a child there and how old she was. I looked up at them. "Hinata has a 6 year old sister"

They looked at me sadly. Hinata now had a 6 year old sister who didn't have a brother.

Hinata's Pov

I woke up. I still couldn't move. There were more cuts than I remember. There were 20 cuts that I had counted. As I slowly regained consciousness I stretched. I was able to move my body. But it was only very subtle. I became excited as long as he didn't come back for a few hours I would have the chance to escape. I spoke to soon. He came back.

He didn't inject me this time. But he locked the door behind him. He picked up a knife and walked towards me. I panicked. I was finally able to move. I got up. Ruining my chances of escaping. I ran around the room. I was soon stopped by the blood that was coming out of my body. It was all over. My legs, my arms, my stomach, my thighs, and also my wrists. The pain had come back. I fell to the floor. Crying. He started walking towards my laughing his head off. "Think you could get away?" he kicked my stomach making more blood spew out I screamed and cussed at him. He stabbed my stomach again and again. I couldn't scream anymore I could only cry and hope someone would find me. I was dying. And he was going to kill me. He told me so himself.

He picked me up and threw me outside. "Have a nice look at the sky before your time runs out!" he said gleefully. I'm going to die and the last thing I will see is the stars. The sun was no longer out. The sun had already set.

Sorry this chapter is short but it is 3:30 in the morning and I have to go to bed. So thanks for reading my story. Comment what you think. Sorry Hinata had to get stabbed.

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