Searching For The Sun

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Readers Pov

As the team gathered they saw the looks on each others faces. Disgust. They were disgusted with themselves for ignoring Hinata. He was one of the smallest teammates besides Nishinoya. They should've protected him and now he was gone. Its what they wanted. For him to be gone. But they didn't want him to be gone from their lives, they just wanted him off of the team he loved so much and no he was gone from the team and their reach. They had no idea where this boy was. They started searching the school. As the team checked Hinata's locker they noticed that his phone wasn't there, not knowing if anyone had called him already they called his phone. No answer. They called about 3 times with no answer they started getting worried. Panicking they called Hinata's name in attempt to get an answer but his voice wasn't present. The team gathered once more with regret in their eyes. They regretted ignoring Hinata. Hinata was their ray of sunshine and they needed him. It was dark out side around 9pm. Kageyama called Hinata's mother to see if he had come home yet. But with unease in Mrs.Hinata's voice he knew the answer. "BOKE HINATA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" Kageyama yelled. He felt as if he needed to punch something and he did. He punched the school wall leaving some of the bricks shattered. The team was almost in tears. They had put sunglasses on to shade their eyes from the sun and now the sun was gone. (that was a metaphor btw). Its dark and they're searching for the sun.

Hinata's Pov

Its dark. I cant move. Minutes later my eyes adjust to the darkness I try getting up but there's a rope around my feet and more rope around my hands. I cant remember what happened after my talk with Ukai. Then it hit me. I ran from him and someone chased me. I must've been knocked out because I don't remember anything after that. Im hungry. My stomach starts to growl. Soon after that I hear laughter and footsteps followed be more footsteps. I get excited. Maybe someone can help me from the ropes. I call out to them, "Hey can you help me I seem to be tied up and cant get free!?" there was more laughter, "What are you laughing at I said im stuck, can you help!?"

"Uh-oh seems the shrimp is awake" someone laughs, "better go see if i can calm him down."

"I don't want to be calmed down I want to be free so I can get home!" I was yelling at them and I almost started to cry. I'm scared and no one is helping me. I don't know what to do not that there's much that I can do.

"Its okay I need to calm you down before I free you" I didn't know this voice it was the same one as before but I didn't recognize it.

"Well I am calm so hurry and free--" I stopped short because what I saw next terrified me. He came in with knives and syringes. He looked at me and laughed. I started crying. I realized he wasn't going to help me or free me or let me return to my family. I'm crying and I can't stop. "P-p-please d-don't hurt m-me!" His laughing got louder. He came closer to me and looked in my eyes.

"You have beautiful brown-orangish eyes!" this person sounded crazy, "I want to have eyes like yours!"

"W-w-what do y-you mean?" I was whimpering along with crying I could stop. I wanted to run. He wasn't going to let me. He was twice the size of me. "P-please let me go" I cried this was the most scared i've ever been.

"I can't let that happen I'm afraid. You are not going to leave here. Even if someone finds you it will be to late!" he laughed. In fact there wasn't a moment when he was talking to me or looking at me when he wasn't laughing. "You're pathetic, did you know that? You practically let me catch you." he exclaimed with a grin. He was right I let him catch me. I had stopped in hope that Ukai was chasing me to comfort me but that didn't happen. I hoped that it might've been Kageyama as well. I wanted him to tell me why he was ignoring me. I wanted him to tell me it was okay. I wanted him to hold me. Wait, why would i want that? I realized I wanted him I wanted to be his everything, I wanted him to find me. But that wasn't going to happen. The man in front of me had told me so. No one was going to find me and if they did I would be dead.

Boke Hinata (Kagehina)Where stories live. Discover now