Into the clearing with sunshine

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Hinata's pov

    Everything is dark. I cant feel a thing. Whats going on? The last thing I remember is getting ignored by the team.. Going to foothill store and then.... 
    So what happened after i was abused? Did someone save me? Did he kill me? Omg am I dead?!?!? No,no I dont think I'm dead. So what happened? Why do I suddenly feel pain everywhere? Am I being revived by god?!?!? ( Only Hinata would think that)  I hear a noise. I dont know what the noise is but it is annoying me. Its a beeping noise..... Holy Shit am I in the hospital?!?!!? How did I get here?!!? Ok, ok calm down questions latter I still need to wake up. I slowly try to open my eyes only to be blinded by the light that makes me want to die... Ok maybe not die but shut me eyes and go back to sleep. I once again open my eyes and blink a million times to get used to the light. Once I get used to the light i check my surroundings. 2 people. Mom and Natsu. The team? No where in sight. I try talking only to be stopped by a tube thats in my throat. I start thrashing around and try to get the tube out of my fucking throat. During my thrashing session I wake the only people in the room. They start telling words that I cannot hear. The door opens and people in white rush in and try to calm me down. The hold me down and remove the tube. I take a deep breath and repeat the action a couple more times until I can breathe regularly.
"Hinata, I'm doctor Rose. I need to ask you a few things, ok?" the doct- I mean doctor Rose asks. I only nod my head in response.
  "Ok first question. Do you think you can talk?" she asks.
  "Y-y-yes" I stutter.
  "Good, next question. What year is it?"
  "Ummm.... I'm not sure how long have I been here?"
   "Three months."
Now I know I'm not one to cuss but, Holy fucking shit! I was in here for 3 months!?!?! Its better than a year or more. "So, if I have been in here for 3 months that means it is still 2016," I exclaimed proudly.
        "Correct. How old are you?"
     "Ummm.... 15?" I actually dont know because my birthday was coming up before...the incident.
      "Correct. What school year are you in?"
  That one was simple. "First year."
       "Correct. That will be all the questions I have for you but the police will be here soon to ask you more," doctor Rose states.

Kageyama's pov

When is Hinata gonna wake up and let us talk to him? Is the one question I ask myself everyday. Now I know your thinking but his mom said you weren't allowed back! Well your correct but, she said unless he allows us to come back. I wonder if he'll ever forgive us? I hope he does I wouldn't be able to ever live with myself if I wasn't able to see him again.
      I quit the volleyball team. Shocker right? Well I had to. They thought Hinata was at fault for us ignoring him. Sure, Hinata might be stupid, short and useless but it wasn't his fault. OK that came out wrong. But what his mother said was right we should've helped him with his receives and spiking and helped him with school work. I understand what we did was wrong but they just wouldn't see the wrong they did.
    I'm gonna go pay Hinata's mother a visit and beg for her forgiveness until she forgives me.

Till next time. Will Hinata's mother forgive kageyama? Will Hinata forgive the team? Will Hinata talk to anyone? Will he become depressed? The world may never know until I update this.

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