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Reader's Pov

    As Hinata was in the ICU his heart started to fail. "Get him stable before he flat lines!" one of the doctors yelled. They did everything they could but it just wasn't working. Hinata starting thrashing around on the surgery table (idk what they put him on) the doctors had to hold him down and put sedatives in his system (i hope that's the right drug thing) Hinata calmed down and his heart rate went back to normal. The storm had passed. But he wasn't out of the clear.

Kageyama's Pov

     I hate myself. Why did I let this happen to him. I know I ignored him but I loved him and now I have broke him. I had lost the sun in my life because of a stupid decision. Why did I decide to ignore the poor baby crow when I could've been helping him improve his skills? Why did the team decide that it was okay for us to ignore him when we knew he needed attention? He's to young to have had that happen to him. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it have been someone else? I know I shouldn't wish for someone to get hurt but still why him? Does the team feel the same as me? Do they think it was their fault to? They were crying when we couldn't find him but I'm still left wondering if they really were sad. I hated questioning the team but I needed to after all it was them who suggested that we ignore Hinata.  "Ummm...... I have a you guys think its our faults for what happened to Hinata?" 

"Of course not! We didn't do anything to him! It was the crazy guy who tortured him! Why on earth would you think its our faults? Part of it is because Hinata is to weak to defend for himself!" Tanaka yelled across the gym. 

"I'm leaving!" I shouted back in a pissed off tone. They had no remorse for what they had done to get Hinata in this situation. "I'm not coming back until Hinata comes back or if he even wants to after the way we treated him!" the team had confusion and anger in their faces. 

"What do you mean 'the way we treated him' we didn't touch him or even talk to the wimp!" once again it was Tanaka who had yelled and once again he had underestimated Hinata.


Hinata and I were in another fight. That's just great. 

"Dobe! How did you even make it on the team? Your just a puny little shrimp that no one wants! You dont have any talent or anything! It's because of me that you can spike!" I yelled at him.

"Well then if you don't think I have any talent and that I'm puny and weak then take this!" Hinata yelled just before he punched me in the stomach. I fell to my knees and watched as he walked away not looking at how much his punch had hurt like he already knew it hurt people. Had he ever been in a fight? How the heck is he that strong?


"He sure as hell isn't weak he can take care of himself but it was because of us that his guard was lowered he had hoped it was us to talk to him after he went to the foothill store not some maniac who wanted to torture him! Do you still not realize how strong Hinata is but his emotions are like a wild horse! They're unpredictable! We made him feel horrible and he couldn't help but think it was his fault! Maybe he didn't care who it was and maybe he did but maybe he had hoped it was us or the coach so he let his guard down! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU? I realized it before you and I'm pretty stupid!" I let out almost all of my anger with the team. Almost all of it. And with that speech I picked my stuff up stomped my way to the door glaring at each and every single team mate before I got to the door. When I reached the door I opened it and stomped out with of course slamming the door so hard it broke. 

Sorry it is a really short chapter but i have writers block and school also im not really sure where im going with this. Sorry for bad grammer and spelling.

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