The Mission

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*The rebels went back to the ghost*

Hera: How'd it go?

Kanan: Not well.

Hera: Where's Ezra?

Kanan: His room. This really took him down.

Hera: I got him.

*Hera walked to Ezra's room and walked in*

Hera: Ezra? You okay?

Ezra: Gone.

*Ezra hugs Hera*

Hera: I'm so sorry.

Ezra: She's gone. Because of me, she's dead. I didn't even get to say sorry. I couldn't save her, I'm sorry Hera.

~5 years later~

*Ezra walked into the cockpit*

Hera: Woke up early today?

Ezra: Yeah. Kanan moved training to morning.

Hera: Is that the only reason?

Ezra: No. It's 5 years today. I had a nightmare again. It only happens this day every year.

Hera: It's just something, it will go away.

Ezra: This one was different. Sabine was alive but wasn't on our side. She wanted to kill me.

Hera: It was just a nightmare Ezra. Nothing bad will happen.

Ezra: But I feel she's alive. I wonder what she's up to.

~At the complex~

*Troopers tried to shoot Sabine but she deflected all the shoots*

Vader: Shoot at the targets.

Sabine: I will or I'm trying to.

Vader: Don't try. Hit the targets.

*Sabine gets mad and deflects the shots, hitting all the troopers*

Vader: Well done. Your becoming more powerful every day.

Sabine: Thank you master.

Vader: You may go. Stay alert, you may have a mission soon.

*Sabine leaves and goes to her room*

Sabine P.O.V
Being a sith padawan is amazing. I got new clothes and have more power than I ever imagined. This life is perfect and I'm allowed to express my creativity.

~Later that day~

Vader: I have a special mission just for you.

Sabine: Name it and I'll take care of it.

Vader: In order to destroy the Jedi, we have to capture them first. You need to bring one to me.

Sabine: Where can find this padawan?

Vader: Your old home.

Sabine: Mandolore?

Vader: The rebels.

Sabine: I don't understand.

Vader: Go back to the rebels and bring me Ezra Bridger.

Sabine: I don't know Master.

Vader: Bring him and destroy anyone who gets in your way.

Sabine: Yes master.

~Hours later~

Sabine P.O.V
I approached the ghost carefully. I painted my clothes and ripped them so it would like I escaped the empire. I also painted fake cuts and my eyes were still brown. This was going to be easy.

*Sabine goes into the ghost and limps into the common room. They see her and she falls near Ezra*

Ezra: Sabine?!! Your alive?!

Sabine: Help me.

Ezra: Don't worry, I got you.

*Ezra takes Sabine to the med-bay*

Hera: What happened to you?

Sabine: The empire. They tried to make me talk and when I didn't, they beat me. Thankfully, you guys were here.

Hera: Ezra go. I'll take care of her.

Ezra: I want to stay.

Sabine: Please, I'll be fine. Just need some rest. Can you guys let me sleep a little?

Hera: Sure thing.

*Ezra nodded and they both left*

Kanan P.O.V
I was going to see how Sabine was doing but saw Hera and Ezra exit. I was about to go in but Hera stopped me.

Hera: She wants to rest. Let her.

Kanan: Fine. You guys go rest and I'll keep watch for tonight.

*Hera nods and leaves*

Kanan: *in thought* Rest?

*Kanan hears talking from inside and listens*

Sabine: Finally. Thought they'd never leave.

Vader: Well done my young apprentice. Now convince them and bring me the padawan.

Sabine: You'll get way more master. I'm taking the rebels in.

Vader: Good. Stay a few days so they don't suspect anything.

Sabine: Yes master.

Kanan P.O.V
Sabine is Vader's appreciate?! She's lying to us and to Ezra. I have to protect the crew. Ezra will be hurt when he finds out.

*Kanan sees Ezra coming*

Ezra: It's okay Kanan. Hera told me your staying for the night but I'll do it.

Kanan: Thanks Ezra.

Ezra: Yeah. Plus, it will give me a chance to talk to Sabine.

Kanan: Good just be careful with what you say.

Ezra: Yes Kanan, I know. I don't want to lose her again.

(UR, Completed) Lost LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora