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*Sabine walks up and hugs him*

Sabine: I don't know what to do Ezra. Here, being with you, I want to be a jedi. Then I think of everything you said to me and I want to be a sith.

Ezra: Just stay. Become a jedi and be mine. We can be happy together.

Sabine: I'm sorry Ezra but I have a mission to do. I will complete it.

Ezra: Yeah. Your mission is to stay with me and make me happy.

Sabine: Would you really take me back? After everything I've tried to do?

Ezra: Off course. I love you and missed you.

*He kisses her but she breaks away*

Sabine: I missed you to but I'm still taking you in.

Ezra: Why?

Sabine: Because I said I would. I don't care if it hurts me, but it's my job.

Ezra: You don't have to do this.

Sabine: I'm sorry Ezra but I can't quit the empire. There's only one way to do this.

*She ignites her saber and stabs herself*

Ezra: Sabine, NO!

*Sabine falls but Ezra catches her*

Sabine: I love you Ezra. You did find love in your life. Now this truly is goodbye.

Ezra: I can save you, I know I can.

Sabine: No. Take this. Remember me and remember that I love you no matter what.

*Sabine gives him a note*

Ezra: Please. Don't leave me. I can't let you die.

Sabine: There's no death, there's the force.

*Ezra kissed Sabine and hugged her tightly*

Ezra: I love you.

Sabine: I'll always love you to Ezra Bridger. Please remember me.

*Sabine closes her eyes and stops breathing*

Ezra: Sabine? Sabine, please wake up. This isn't a funny. Sabine? No, not you. KANAN, HERA!

*Kanan and Hera hurry into the room*

Kanan: What's going on...

*They see Ezra crying and Sabine on his lap*

Hera: No, what happened?

Ezra: She killed herself, for me.

Hera: I'm sorry Ezra. We'll all miss her.

*Sees the note, reads it and shows it to Kanan*

Ezra: I want to bury her on Mandolore.

Hera: No. We shouldn't.

Ezra: Why not?

Kanan: Looks like she left you a message and a gift.

*He gives him the locket and shows the note to him*

"If I ever die, don't take me to my world. I want to go the Lothal, where my best friend was born"

*Ezra starts crying again*

Ezra: As you wish Sabine.

*The rebellion goes to Lothal near Ezra's tower and make a small funeral*

Ezra: I'll never forget you Sabine. You'll always be in my heart.

~3 months later~

*Ezra just sat in Sabine's bed. He looked at the locket and at the picture that was inside*

Ezra: I wish you were here with me. I'd do anything to have you back, even join the dark side.

*There's a knock*

Kanan: Can we come in?

Ezra: Sure. We?

*Kanan beers with Ahsoka behind him*

Ahsoka: I heard the news. I'm sorry.

Ezra: It's fine. She did what she had to. I just wish I had gone with her instead of losing her.

Kanan: *sighs* Wish we didn't have to do this.

Ezra: What?

Kanan: Let's go.

Ezra: Where we going?

Kanan: To see Sabine.

Ezra: Really? Do you want to make me more depressed?

Ahsoka: Ezra, come with us. There's something that may help you.

Ezra: What is that supposed to mean?

*Ahsoka smiled and walked out. Kanan and Ezra walked out after her. They walked to the tower*

Ahsoka: Back in the old days, the jedi used the force to have the people they lost close to them.

Ezra: What's this got to do with Sabine?

Ahsoka: Some jedi used the force and were able to bring their loved ones back to life.

Ezra: So, Sabine can come back?!

Kanan: Possibly.

Ahsoka: You need to focus. Kanan told me it's been a problem lately.

Ezra: Well I've been distracted because the love of my life died.

Ahsoka: This time your going to focus if you want her back.

Ezra: What if I can't?

Ahsoka: If you love her, you'll be able to. Now sit down.

*Ezra sat down*

Ezra: What now?

Ahsoka: Close your eyes and focus. Think of her, of all the moments you had together. Good or bad. Think of what you would do if she was here right now. Think of right now, this moment.

*Ezra focused and fainted*

(UR, Completed) Lost LoveWhere stories live. Discover now