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We enter the party room with boys dancing everywhere. I look to my left and see him rushing towards the trashcan. That's a good sight... As I scan the right, I see a guy coming our way. Oh my glob. He so hot. He has brown-close to black-hair with deep blue eyes. Keep your cool, he will only see me as a boy and not a girl dressed as a boy.

My life is going to really suck. "Uriah," he does a man hug with him. "Who's the dude?" He asks, pointing at me. They sur do use the word 'dude' a lot. "My roommate soon to be best friends forever!" I raise a brow at the weirdo. I hold out a hand. "Phoenix." He smiles. "Four." He takes it and pulls me in for a man hug. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.

Wait a minute. Am I wearing perfume? OH NO! I will die! He pulls away normally. "I'm just going to get a drink." I say. I walk away to the bar. I run my hand through the wig pretending to fix my hair but instead smelling my arm. I have 'Boss' on. Phew. That would of been bad.

"Can beer please." The bartender nods at me and hands me one. This is my first drink ever. My mom would of shook her head disapproving my actions. But hey, I'm the one pretending to be a boy. I take a sip and instantly regret it. I start coughing. It burns my throat so bad. It's like Ginger but worse.

Four and Uriah catches up with me. "Whoa, first drink aye?" Four questions. I nod scrunching my nose. They laugh. I flip them off. "It's not funny. It taste horrible." Four smiles. "You just have to man up." No dip. I'm a girl.

"So can I see your schedule?" Four asks. I nod and take it out of my blazer pocket. I hand it to him. He starts reading it and smile at the end. "We have the same classes except Monday and Thursday." I nod. "Cool." 679 comes on and I really want to dance. If I do I'm going to look like a fangirl.

I mentally pout. Oh well. "What's wrong?" I turn to Four and shrug. "I kind of miss my family. " Uriah chuckles. "Not your sister though." I laugh with him shaking my head at the ground. "I don't miss her." Because she is me first of all.

"HAHAHAHOOOHEEHE!" I turn around to face the annoying, loud, weird, laugh and find a older Uriah. "Dude! Who laughs like that?!" I exclaim. Four and Uriah burst out in laughing. When I say laughing, I mean the normal way and not that creep way. The guy bows. "I'm Zeke, the cooler Pedrad."

Uriah gasps. "No way! I'm way cooler!" I nod. "You are not cooler according to your laugh." The three of us laugh again at Zeke. He rolls his eyes. "Will totally agrees with me." He say pulling a thin man with blond hair and green eyes, glasses covering them, to view. Will looks up at us. He pushes his glasses up. "According to statics, you-"

"Yeah, yeah. We get it. You are a nerd." Will looks to the left. "Very well then, I must be going." And I thought Caleb was smart.Speaking of which I need to find him. "Um, I'm gonna go around and meet some people." I say. Uriah grins. "Bye, Phoenix!" I go around squeezing between bodies to get through.

Then I see it. What I've been here for. My brother. As I walk closer to him the more I realize that he is quite tipsy. "And I was like, 'You can't eat a burger with your nose." Everyone laughs at Caleb's story. What? I'm not even going to ask. I clear my throat getting everyone's attention. "I'm new here. I'm just trying to greet everyone."

Caleb smiles but there is something in his eyes. Like a sparkle. Hmmm. He shakes my hand. "Caleb." I bite my cheek. "Phoenix." A guy chimes in. "Totally rad name dude." Again, with the word 'dude.' The others hit in conversations as Caleb stares at me. "So," he says. "Tell me something about you." Ooops. I never thought about that. "I like skateboarding, and my favorite color is black."

"Mines blue. I like school and want to be high in education." I nod. Seems like his nerdy self. "Do you have a girlfriend?" He asks. Who asks that? I shake my head. His smile widens. "Okay."

"HAHAHAHOOOHEEHE!" I know that laugh anywhere. "Zeke will you shut up." I say, before turning around to see him crunched over his stomach laughing his guts out. He starts coughing so Uriah and Four pats on his back hard. I turn back around laugh quietly with Caleb joining.

"Why am I friends with him?" I ask, more to myself than to him. He nods. "He is one weirdo." I sip my beer that I forgot I had and cringe at the sizzle. He laughs again. He takes my beer and takes a sip and hand it back. The way he sipped it was like he was used to it. I give him a look. "How are you able to drink this thing," I lift the can gesturing it.

"It's easy when you like it." My mom is right. There is something off with him. He seem more chill and, I don't know anymore. He used to never like to drink. Unless all of it was a act. I need to be closer. On his trust less.

"Well I should be going I need to get my dorm in a living shape." He nods. I walk away towards the three drunk fellows. Zeke is laughing with Four while Uriah is staring off to space with a face filled of awe. I gather them up and drag them out.

When I reach Uriah's and my dorm I shove Them to the couch. They are doing the same thing. Laughing while Uriah stares off in awe. Yikes. It's a good thing I don't like beer or I would of been like those goof balls. I drag Uriah to bed. He still stare until his head hits the pillow. Okay...

I put Zeke on the sofa letting Four be. Zeke is still laughing and can't seem to stop so I grab duct tape and tape it on his mouth. Much better. I Push Four so he's laying on his back. H drifts off as I walk to my bed. "Good-night." I say "Night," Four mumbles back while Zeke makes muffled noises.

A/N Don't be a Uriah. Also don't laugh like Zeke. HAHAHAHOOOHEEHE!

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