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A/N Your welcome mysteryfreak707. Here is another chapter even though this book would be considered as updated THREE times in one day. Here is your gift.

I sit in my first period, math since it's Wednesday, with a annoying Mrs.Matthews. Or should I say Jeanine. I tap my pencil at the edge of the desk waiting for anything interesting to happen. "Mr.Ahmet!" I look up to see Jeanine fuming. "Stop playing with your pencil."

I sigh but nod anyways. I sit it down and look around trying to see something cool. Maybe I just need to make things interesting. I sit up with Uriah, Four, and Zeke looking up at me. I go over to Jeanine and lean in pretending to be whispering. "CAN I GO MAKE POOPIES IN THE TOILET?!?!"

Everyone in the class laugh with tears in their eyes. "HAHAHAHOOHEEHE!" Zeke falls out of his chair twitching like a mentally ill raccoon. Four laughs harder at Zeke. "DETENTION!" That makes everyone quiet. "That is no way to ask! Phoenix Ahmet, please meet me after school for detention." (A/N Okay, so... I don't know if Colleges have detention but...I'll just pretend they do.)

"So," I start. "Is that a yes?" She has steam blowing out of her ears by now. "GO!" I put my hands up in defence and walk out backwards slowly. When I get out I chuckle softly and turn around to go in a public restroom. I enter and sigh of relief. Except for the pee stains on the urinals, everything is decent. There are four of them lined up on the wall on the right with real stalls with toilets on the left.

It's disgusting how there is nothing separating the urinals. I see a boy with old carrot hair, run from behind me and quickly pee in the middle one. He moans and his head leans back. EWWWW! I hurry into one of the stalls disgusted by the sight and do my business. "Dude, This feels AWESOME. My freaking p-"

"TMI!" Ooops. "Is there a chick in here?" I get my cool back on and clear my throat. "No Bruh, I''m just kidding." Think, THINK! "I agree dudoe." (A/N Yes I spelled it that way. I just combined dude and doe.)

I get out of the stall and start washing my hands. "Yeah, my p-" I walk out before I can hear another word. I run back to the classroom. When I sit down I lay back and sigh. Uriah nudges me. "Dude are you okay?" I nod. "Just creeps in the bathroom, the usual." He nods and faces Jeanine.

I look at the clock and see that we have six minutes 'til math ends. "You have homework." Everyone groans except Caleb who is in front of me. She places the paper gently on Caleb's desk and slams it-startling everyone-on mine. I chuckle. I'm on her bad side. my three friends chuckle.

"She hates you." Four says. I nod. Jeanine slams her ruler on my desk making me snap her direction. "No talking." She spits. "Jeez woman, I won't." She storms away. I start working on my work but then the intercom went on. "Lockdown, lockdown. There is a intruder. A girl broke inside and is masked." We hurry to put our things under desks and go against the back wall while Jeanine locks the door and turns off the lights.

I think they are talking about me. Oh no. "We will come to class to class to check who is that person." SHOOT! Will they be checking our pants? Oh my, what is Caleb going to say about this? What about my friends? NOOOOOO!!! This is like Mission Impossible. A police comes in. It's happening.

He comes to us and starts scanning our faces. "If you speak up now, then we won't take you to jail." He stops at me. I try to act casual. No, act like a jock. I pretend to shoot him with my finger gun. "Keep doing your job." He smiles and pats my shoulder. "You're a good kid." He says and walks off. Jeanine pouts. Go die in a hole.

"So, since no one is confessing we are going to be checking back bags for evidence." Do I have tampons in there? Oh I hope not. He goes towards the bags and opens one by one. My breath hitches when he reaches for my bag. He looks through it and sets it down. I do a mental dance.

He goes to another bag and pulls out something. A tampon. There is another girl? "Who is the owner of this bag?" Everyone points to a guy that has short wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. He puts his hands up. "It wasn't me! I-I swear! Someone must of framed me!" The police officer walk up to him.

"Then prove it." The guy pulls down his pants and underwear in one swift motion. I immediately turn away. "Ewww! Grossy!" Uriah squeals. I hear a click of a belt being place on and turn back to the weirdo who showed everyone his private part. "Well, I guess she's not in this class."

After 30 minutes or so, the intercom comes on again. "False alarm. You may have the rest of the day off." I jump up and down with Uriah and Zeke. "Yeah!" I scream.


"Mom!" I scream. "In the kitchen." She sing songs. I walk over to see her baking cookies. "Welcome back, how was it?" I sigh and take off my wig and shoes while talking. "Bad and good." My mom stops and looks at me wanting a answer. "Good, I made a few friends and got somewhat close to Caleb. Bad, there was an lockdown because they new there was a girl in there so they checked every students bag to see any evidence."

She gasps. "Yeah, I know. I was freaking out." I sigh and take some of the dough. My mom snatches away my hand, but I already have it. I take a bite and say, "I'm going to change and go to Christina's to tell her all about the drama." My mom continues baking while chuckling at the floor.

"Those men already got to you. You are more improper on the first day." I flick her off while she laughs. I turn around and go upstairs to change.

A/N Don't be a Uriah.

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