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"Shut it Christina!" Lynn snaps. Christina pouts but brightens up when she sees the cafe sign. Hallelujah music in background. She slams against the window, spreading out her arms. The couple that sits in front of Christina stare while getting up and move to a different table.

"Oh how I love you!" Christina starts kissing the window. I look through the window and see disturbed faces. I look back at Christina and see her licking the window. I roll my eyes and drag Christina inside. Once we are inside I say, "Glass is not your soulmate." She puffs and crosses her arms.

We start walking towards the line. Marlene looks around the room and her eyes widen when she looks at me. She fast walks over to me and leans in. "Walk like a woman," she whispers. Oops. If you walk with swag 24/7 because going undercover, your walk comes out naturally that way.

"I can't!" I whisper shout to her. She looks around the room frantic. "Just shake your bootay more then it would work." I give her a look but do as so. My 'shaking your butt' walk looks very...disturbing. I just swing my butt side-to-side very dramatically to the point where it looks like I'm fighting gravity.

Lynn looks at me with widen eyes while Christina is blabbering to no one, about her favorite flavors. Marlene is beside Christina dancing very weirdly. Yikes. "Fix your walk," she mutters through gritted teeth. "Whatever dude. I mean dudoe! I mean- oh crap." Lynn just widen her eyes in response.

Lynn's eyes travel to Shauna where she looks like she is going to cry. Lynn takes a few steps towards her. "What happened?"

"Men," she says angrily even though her face shows sadness and a tad bit of anger. Lynn takes a side step away. Shauna continues however. "They change my Trissy." I shoot a glare at her. "Ugh," Lynn throws her head back. "I need new friends!" I nod, even though she includes me.

The girls go and soon enough, it's my turn to order. "I will like to have-" I am cut off by Christina jabbing her elbow in my side. I glare at her direction. 'Your voice' she mouths. My mouth goes to a 'o' shape. I turn back to the woman who stares at me weirdly. I clear my throat.

"Sorry, frog in my throat. I will like a Carmel Waffle Cone Frappe." I say in my normal voice. She nods. "Name?"

"Phoe-" Once again, I am cut off by Christina beating my side. I almost slipped my cover name out. "BEATRICE!" I scream out of pain. The woman looks taken back and hurries to jot down the name. I smile, but behind it says 'please don't question.' We walk to a table with me walking like a idiot.

"Woman, what was that?" Lynn says. I shrug. "Me being a clown." They sigh. "Beatrice!"

"It's Tris!" I shout back. I turn and see the lady form the counter. Oops. She has pleading eyes. Poor her. I walk to her and grab my cup. "Thanks." I mutter. "Your welcome," she panics. Great, I made her scared of me.

I take a sip while walking back to my table. I feel a tap on my shoulder and a voice. "Beatrice." I stop on my tracks and turn on my heel. "Hey brotha how are you doing." I say awkwardly while shooting at him with my finger gun. "What was all that." He gestures, to all that happened.

"You know the usual. Christina licking a window." He face palms. "Whatever, my group wants you guys to sit with us." My eyes widen when I find Will, Uriah, Zeke, and Four at a table, looking at me and Caleb. "Uh sure." I stutter.

As soon as he leaves, I turn around-panicking-and rush to the table. Once I reached my destination, I plop my hands down in front of the girls, on the table. "Caleb and his group wants us to sit with them." Christina chokes on her frappe. Shauna pats her back. "You mean the group that you hang with?"

I nod to Marlene. Lynn smirks while the others sit afraid and worried for me. "Don't worry I won't slip." They all finally agree and we join Caleb and the others. I may tell my friends everything, but I haven't told them about Caleb's feelings. It's to awkward to talk about.

Everyone settles down next to each other. I find my self on the edge next to Caleb. Great. "So what's up?" I ask no one in practical. "The ceiling." Caleb answers. No dip. The floor. I roll my eyes. "So anything new at school?" I ask. We used to be so open to each other. We would never dare keep anything to each other.

We actually made a contract for that and some more stuff...

I want him to tell me that he is gay. He doesn't have to tell me who he likes, I just want him to be open so we can talk to each other and help. "Um, no." Christina furrow her eyebrows. "You're lying. Why?" Caleb looks up from the table, and glares. Don't worry, no need. I already knew Caleb.

"I'm not." He says. I glare at him. "But you are." He glares back with the guys looking at each other. The girls just look between Caleb and me. "What do you mean?" says Caleb, not dropping his stare. Anger fumes up in me, making me red. "When did we decide to keep secrets? Caleb," I soften my look a bit.

Why won't he tell me? "If I was bisexual, would you want to know?" His gaze goes to a worry yet guilty face. "You are?" I close my eyes slowly. I let my eyes to close for a few seconds more before opening them. "No." His face, that was tinted with a smile, drops. "I know your gay, Caleb." He frowns and guilt is overwhelming his face.

"H-how did you know?" I slam my spoon against the table. Oh how I wish it's a butterknife. "I went to your-" Before I could finish my exclaim, Lynn tackles me down to the ground. She lifts both of my arms while I'm on the ground. "Not today honey." With that, she drags me out along with Marlene dragging Christina out.

Once we are outside Christina stomps her foot. "I forgot my Frappe!" I roll my eyes getting up from the ground. Shauna sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Then lets go to a Frozen Yogurt place." Christina beams while I swipe off the dust that was left on my pants. "YOLO FROYO!!!"

A/N Hey, so schools coming soon. That means it's going to be harder for me to update, but I'll try my best. Don't be a Uriah. Also don't lick windows like Christina...

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