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"I GOT POOP IN MY HAIR AND I JUST DO NOT CARE!!!" I scream/rap.(A/N Just for you mysteryfreak707) Marlene finishes it off. "RUBBER GLOVES, AND DESIGNER RUGS!!!" Everyone in the Froyo store stare at us in horror. I know, we are the worst rappers. Marlene and I face each other and scream 'OH!' like we just burned someone.

Lynn drops the beat boxing and stares at us like we said "Hitler is awesome." She clenches her fist and stares at the both of us. "What was that?!" I face Marlene and shrug. "We said that we were going to do raps." I say nonchalantly. Lynn blows out some air out of her mouth and tucks her hair from the not shaved half, behind her ear.

"We said cool raps, not some random crap." I raise a brow at her. I shake my head and step closer to her. "Do you know what that means? It's a figure of speech." I may have just made up that poop talk, but you can always figure out figures of speech. Well, it would be easy for anyone if they don't sleep in Language Arts.

She stares at me again, waiting for an explanation. I sigh dramatically. "It means that I don't care what others think of me." She still stares but after a while she just shook it off. "What were you doing, Marlene?" She looks at Lynn with her mouth open. "I-I thought we were just rhyming random things." She laughs sheepishly with us giving her a 'really?' look.

Christina rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. We get it. Now lets just get our Froyo!" We all nod and walk farther in the place looking at the flavors. Even though I get the same one everytime, I like to see whats new. I stop at my destination. Vanilla. I raise my cup and fill it to a decent size.

Lynn comes over to me, still smacking on her strawberry kiwi frozen yogurt that she already paid for. "Really?" She gulps down the rest and continues. "You always get vanilla." I shift my wait to my right and pose confidently. "Yes I do."

Marlene joins in. She licks her spoon once more before speaking. "Don't you think it's plain?" I look at her oreo froyo. I look up at her rather insult-like. "Without vanilla, there would be no such thing as oreos."

Marlene's eyes widen in panic glancing at her desert then me. "It's okay my oreo babies, you are safe with me." She rocks her oreos kissing it a few times. Weirdo.

"Can we just sit down and have a normal conversation without window licking and rocking oreo babies?" Shauna says, eyeing Christina and Marlene. We all agree and sit at a table by a wall.


"Dude!" Uriah tackles Zeke once more, still sitting up. "She is so hot! Not the other one!" I roll my eyes. Four finished telling me the story of Tris's encounter and my friends. Right as he finished, Zeke stated how hot Shauna is while Uriah is arguing about how Marlene is the real hottie.

Caleb and just sips on his smoothie he got from the lunch line while Four and I exchange glances. We need to hook them up so we don't have to take care of them. They may be 19 but it now seems that age doesn't matter here.

Caleb sets down his smoothie and starts speaking. "Yeah, well, Beatrice however," if mental glares could kill, then he would be six feet underground. "She is very bipolar and annoying." Are you sure about that? Steam rises in me. I slam my spoon on the table startling everyone.

A fake smile pops on my face as I try to stay in act. "If you excuse me, I would like to study for upcoming test." I scoot my chair back as Caleb looks at me. "I can come help." He starts to get up but before he can, I put a hand in front of him. "No need. Go eat." (A/N Did anyone notice that, that line rhymed?)

They watch as I exit the dinning room towards my dorm. But instead of going to my dorm, I decide to visit the library.

My fingers scan the books that are on my sides. I'm trying to find a informational book that will help me sole my brother issues. "May I help you?" I jump at the sudden noise. I turn to see the librarian. Ms. Yao. I don't get it. Woman can work here but no girls? I clear my throat.

"I'm looking for a book that will help solve personal problems." Ms. Yao nods and scurries the opposite direction. Am I going the wrong way? After I turn I feel a tap on my shoulder. Once again, I jump. These people need a bell! She hands me a dusty book. I nod and say thank you.

I walk to a table and blow on it. Dust comes back up to me making me cough. After my coughing fit, I swipe the rest off. The Path of Uncomfortableness. Well that's a title. I start flipping pages until I see the chapter name. How to handle that other who likes you. Again, the title says it all.

I avert my eyes to the beginning of the passage.

When you look to your right, you see it. The sparks that other person is giving you through the human eye. So what do you do when you see that other in disgust?

Rude much. What if that other was my brother? I continue.

A way to fix that is by ignoring thy. Don't show any sign of emotion towards the person, just walk away pretending they don't exist. This is why that works: The human mind is functioned to be loved and noticed. If you don't show these signs, then thy will get over you soon.

Wow, this author is really rude in formal ways. Anyway, I hope this author know what he/she is writing.

A/N I am so chicken noodle-doo sorry for not updating. I will try to update another tonight. And yes, that means I have to stay up late. Don't be a Uriah.

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